New in Shenzhen: Seeking Companions for Adventure and Cinematic

Hello Everyone!

Just a brief intro about myself—I'm a 32-year-old entrepreneur from Poland, though I've spent the majority of my life in pursuit of that perfect place to call home. My journey has brought me to Shenzhen to empower my team and align our efforts with our company's ambitious goals. With branches in Edinburgh and Los Angeles, my life is a tapestry of diverse cultures and challenges.

Despite my busy schedule, I am eager to dive into the vibrant life of Shenzhen. I'm looking for fellow English-speaking adventurers to explore not just this city but also the wonders China has to offer. Age and gender are just numbers and labels to me—what matters is a zest for life and an open heart.

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do," said Steve Jobs, and I wholeheartedly agree. So let's make the most of this perfect weather (who needs air conditioning when the climate is this welcoming?) and set out on a journey of discovery together.

I'm also a massive cinephile, especially a Marvel fan. Just the other day, I experienced my first Chinese cinema screening—a Marvel movie, in English, of course. If you're into films and want to join me for the next blockbuster, just shout out the time and place!

While I do confess to being a workaholic (we all have our vices, right?), I also believe in the saying, "You'll never know until you try." So let's try new things together and see where this adventure leads us.

If you're up for making new connections and seizing the day, I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a message, and let's plan our next escapade or movie night!

@Mr Leopold hi are you still looking for?