Phu Quoc Night Market

Just a quick note to mention that I saw a nice, current video of the Phu Quoc Night Market on FB today (my Hanoi visa agent friend is there on her honeymoon).

It's looking SO much better than when we were there in March, 2021, when the lack of tourist traffic had it looking quite sad.

Encouraging to see that.

    Just a quick note to mention that I saw a nice, current video of the Phu Quoc Night Market on FB today (my Hanoi visa agent friend is there on her honeymoon).
It's looking SO much better than when we were there in March, 2021, when the lack of tourist traffic had it looking quite sad.

Encouraging to see that.


It seems I may have been duped by a good video edit 😱

Just exchanged messages with my friend and she says there are still a lot of shops closed at the night market, and many vendors she spoke with say that tourist traffic levels (both domestic & foreign) are still significantly lower than this time in the winter of 2019 (before COVID).


That Phu Quoc Night Market I would never recommend to visitors, except perhaps as a walk-through and a gawk.

Overpriced meals/items, undersized portions, falsely advertised menu pictures of the item, kitschy souvenirs, and on and on...

I've witnessed VN tourists objecting to what they had been served and refusing to accept and/or pay for it, only to be confronted by the restaurant's security and forced to pay. Me? I'd tell them to deposit it in their sun-don't-shine spot.

If it weren't for travel agents corralling their customers into the market, I'm thinking it'd be lights out in a very short time. I'm imagining tumbleweed blowing through the stalls there.

I've seen only a smattering of Westerners there in the past year.

In short, it is the epitome of a "tourist trap". Avoid it. Lots more to see in Phu Quoc that that.

(just my 2¢'s worth)