Resident permit


Yes I would like to get some tips of advice about resident permit to Sweden...yes I met my swedish fiance in April 2023 and he came to meet me in Uganda on 1st August and stayed with me here for a month henceing proposing to me my question is..have never been to Sweden but my swedish fiance intend to apply for me a resident permit since we have dated each other for almost 10months now....will I be granted a resident to Sweden since we are just engaged not married though we hopefully plan to get married when my fiance returned back to Uganda againe this coming July ...but he wants to apply for me a resident this January before him returning to uganda thans

@Lakopprossy - If you are engaged but not married, you can apply for a fiancé visa. There are certain criteria that he (your Swedish partner) has to meet/prove. I.E that he has somewhere to live (at min a rental contract for 12months) and he can support you financially. … 0or%20him.


Wow ... hopefully I think I can give him power of attorney to apply for me and again I was really thinking of applying for me and my African daughter I hope they grant us the residents though we are just engaged

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Hello I applied for the residence permit in Sweden and my questions is what documents do I need to be submitting every month at the immigration

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