We are coming to Panama next week

Hi everyone. Im Yvan, and im together with my small dog Jules, my loyalest friend. And a real heartbreaker. We are coming to Panama next week. Straight out of Belgium. Ill be temporary staying with a friend, but im looking for a place of my own. With a dog, thats kind of a challenge. If you have any suggestions as to wich websites to use for the search, i gladly hear it. If you have space for rent, and you aint scared of my puppyfaced dog, i gladly consider contributing to your rent. Or simply go out to have a drink and brainstorm, or bounce ideas of each other, I'm game. Male/female/any color or faith will do. Our creator wasnt picky, so why should we. Lord knows i know only one person in the whole of Panama, and he aint the most social type. I could also use spanish practice, cuz after dos cervesas por favor, im sold out.

And out of curiosity. My dear fellow expats. What kind of job do you do now?

Dont go to Panama!! expensive, unsafe, terrible services, corrupt police, etc, etc..


Hello and welcome Yvan !

Please note that I have created a new thread from your post on the Panama forum so that members can share feedback with you.

I would suggest that you read the Living in Panama Guide to gather as much infos as possible and that you create an advert in our Housing section to find a rental.

Oh and also feel free to tell us where you will be situated ?

All the best



Hello, are you in Panama ? In which region are you settled ?



@manper wow, what happened?

@yvdb85 if you are thinking on moving here to live, take your time and move around to see how the city develops itself during the day.

If you are visiting only, I'd recommend taking charter flights to Isla Colón or Pedasí as the road blockades is the daily bread of communitary protests, be aware and careful.


what a ridiculous comment!

Hi all. I arrived good and well. Found a house in the nor rich, not poor familybneighborhood of Praderas de San Lorenzo. Traffic is a B!tch😁. Im looking for work now. Tourguide, webdesign, SEO, translations, teaching, mechanical design, graphical design. Maritime gas Inspector. But getting a work permit takes a while. A lot longer then expected actually.. Anybody know anything that could help getting some replenishments for the bank account in the meantime. I speak and write French, english, dutch, and a bit of german and spanish...


write me!!!! **

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