Looking for information about Pezenas

Hello all,

My name is Tracey. Thank you so much for allowing me in the group. I'm looking to relocate to Pezenas in the near future. I would love any input into the area, as well as your general experiences as expats.

Hello and welcome on board Tracey,

Please note that I have created this new thread from your post on the France forum so that members can share their insights with you.

Any particular reason behind choosing Pezenas ? have you been there ?



Hi Tracey

I live in Béziers, but used to live between Pézebnas and Béziers - I've lived in the region for over 21 years. It's fab here! Very friendly bunch of expats in Pézenas and the local villages. Lots to do. The Saturday market in Pézenas is fabulous! And last night I participated in a charity 'Pub Quiz' (but in a hall) in Pézenas, with questions in both languages - great fun! You may find the FB group Ladies In Languedoc a usefiul resource for questions you may have. Best of luck with your move!

Nicole :)