Béziers near Montpellier France

Hello,  we are coming over to Beziers for a weekend and if we like it, will stay for at leadt 3 months.  is there the opp to learn french in the town?

is it a hilly location?

looking forward to hearing from yo7.

kind r3gards

Anne x


Welcome on board !

Till members guide you, feel free to have a look at the following : https://www.ville-beziers.fr/touriste

The website is in french, you can easily translate it with the help of google translate.

Try to google search  Cimade Beziers for french classes.

All the best


Bhavna, thank you very much!

have a great day

kind r3gards

anne x

Try looking here - Jen is amazing! https://lovelearninglanguages.com/

Also, join the anglophone Facebook group Out & About in Béziers. There is a group apéro meet-up this coming Friday 23rd Feb 2024 in town.

Maybe see you there if you are down this weekend? If not, maybe at a future event!

Nicole :)