Ho chi Minh - place with monitor screen


my husband and I will be working from Saigon 2.-5. April. We both will work 4pm-11pm (we work in European time).

The problem is, that husband needs for his work a computer monitor screen (he is an engineer and needs larger screen than is on his laptop).

Do you have any tips for an apartment equipped or cowork/ café equipped with a PC monitor? So far I did not find apartments with PC monitor (Booking/agora/airbnb does not have this option in the filter) and coworks usually close around 6pm.

I will be really happy for any tips/ info where to find a space with PC monitor and a fast wifi.

Thank youu! :)

Use hdmi into a smart tv .

Big screen.

    Use hdmi into a smart tv .
Big screen.



When I need to take my laptop somewhere in VN, I bring along a long HDMI cable and there's usually a flat screen TV I can attach to it in my room.