References from previous landlords


I've seen in a lot of listings for apartments that landlords ask for references from previous landlords, but it is not a custom in my country to give such references. As an expat, what are your experiences with this, when you're first moving to Norway? Do you just skip these kinds of listings?

Thanks in advance!

Just inform in your message that you just recently arrived in Norway. It's up to the landlord anyway to reply to you.

When we were searching for a 3-bedroom place, we just messaged in Finn or Hybel for those apartments we like. Some landlords reply, some do not at all. For those who replied, we schedule the viewing asap. Once, you see that the place fits your criteria, I suggest be quick in your decision as it can be snapped by someone else in no time.

I see, thanks for the reply!

I'm just generally anxious with the whole moving idea, I want to know what are the things I can expect.

When you first came to the country, where were you staying to find an apartment?

And how long it was until you found an apartment?

And do landlords take cash in hand for rent? I know it's typical for landlords to do so, to avoid taxes.