Moving to Kuwait in May

Hello! I will be moving with my family to Kuwait in May. I am an American educator with 15+ years experience in education, 10 of those years in educational leadership.

I am hoping to secure a position with a school before we travel so that I do not have to spend time looking for a job when I get there.

I hold a Tennessee state teaching license with an ESL teaching endorsement.

Please reach out if you have any positions available. I will be living in the Salmiya area.

Hello and welcome !

I think you have better chances of finding a job once there, but, you can still start your job hunt.

Feel free to create your CV in the Jobs in Kuwait section should you want to receive offers and read the following article to gather as much information as possible : Find a job in Kuwait

All the best


@camieayash good luck, although, when it comes to finding work, the burden lies with you. schools are not checking for hiring - you can find a list of schools in kuwait and apply to them, see what your best fit will be.

and one more piece of advice; Kuwait is expensive. further, schools will not be hiring at the end of the year when everyone is going on vacations. they'll probably start the process as we get closer to the new school year 2024/2025. coming here to look for work might end up costing you, unless ofcourse you are staying with family and will not have to worry about rent, that is the biggest burden.