Moving to Bulgaria as a builder


just bought a few Houses between VT and Lovech  Renovating them with my Son then retiring. When I say with my Son I mean passing him the Tools as he is  builder by Trade…

Told him to pack the UK in and move out here as a Builder as most probably plenty of work to do..


@UKAN I think he will certainly get work here.  More and more people, from all over Europe, are moving to Bulgaria, so there will be plenty of work in the pipeline, especially in villages and small towns, where houses are often left for years unattended and decaying.  Europeans and others buy them up as project renovations, but many need help with building work.


If he's really good, he'll certainly find work, mainly with foreign residents I'd guess; however, he might well find that it isn't as lucrative a business as it is in the UK. There are - or at least used to be - several British "builders" in BG - but they were mostly* unskilled DIY-bodgers preying on desperate foreign owners; any good ones ended up tarred with the same brush. 

*I say "mostly" because I can't claim to have met every one of them, but the ones I did meet were invariably wearing stetsons and on horseback....1f920.svg

thanks for the replies

He's been Renovating Listed Buildings for nearly 20 years so he's all clued up with whats required to the Houses out here  He  specialises in Lime Mortar and Rendering  so plenty of work for him at my place.

He is fully aware UK prices wont work here and is looking forward to starting getting the Roof sorted out first on my place.

Told him I own the house next door also so he can have  that if he wants to move out here 

told him he can look for a few labourers as I don't really want to be climbing up on a roof at 60 in 35-40 degrees (got 2nd degree burns from Skegness years ago) 

Any Volunteers? lol

Hello everyone,

Please note that this new thread has been created from your posts on the Bulgaria forum so that you may better interact.

All the best


told him he can look for a few labourers as I don't really want to be climbing up on a roof at 60 in 35-40 degrees (got 2nd degree burns from Skegness years ago) 

Any Volunteers? lol


I would place a FREE advert in the Job Section.


Yup, LOADS of building work. But...

(a) won't pay as well as the UK, so if he's young and fit, I'm not sure that it would be a financially compelling move (but there might be other compensations).

(b) you have to think about the residence permit issue and how you'd sort that out.

Fully aware of pricing in BG hence why I am retiring out there like many others 

Residency is for my Lawyer to sort out for him.

he is currently studying for his Electricians Ticket . Once sorted he will decide. Meantime he will be coming out here yo sort my place out and finding suppliers etc etc 

He is even thinking of running courses out here as he is amazed at the DIY Bodgers on You Tube and Bulgarians working in UK.  Think be might like sailing as he is often talking about BargePoles when watching them