I am moving to Fortaleza in June 2024

I am a expat with Permanent Residence. I am in the process of splitting up with my Brazilian wife. We are separated from cohabitation agreement. We are still friends so she said she will still not report me to Federal Police. Just have a couple of questions does the Cartorio report this separation even if she doesn't. Second where in Fortaleza would you meet new people. I don't speak Portuguese but will be taking classes. If you have a good recommendations of a school in Fortaleza for classes let me know. Thanks to everyone

    I am a expat with Permanent Residence. I am in the process of splitting up with my Brazilian wife. We are separated from cohabitation agreement. We are still friends so she said she will still not report me to Federal Police. Just have a couple of questions does the Cartorio report this separation even if she doesn't. Second where in Fortaleza would you meet new people. I don't speak Portuguese but will be taking classes. If you have a good recommendations of a school in Fortaleza for classes let me know. Thanks to everyone


You married to a Brazilian Woman and you still haven't grasped the language ?

And if you moving to a new place, then mingle.    In my 28 years in the US, I've never gravitated towards Portuguese Speaking folk, even living in a Portuguese Enclave.  And certainly never spent a minute of my time comiserating with Brazilians. 

Get a job,  even paying a slice of what you were used to earn, and move on.   On the job, will speed up your learning process, as you are forced to learn the language.

It might take an year to get a fundamental grasp of  Portuguese, and then, up to the third years you will be conversing.   

Most of the US Syndicated programs can be gotten for free on the old fishbones.  All those 60's andc 70's sitcoms.

And stay away from the slang!  If you had a hobby back home, this is the time to mingle with folks who share your passion.

Schools are a waste of time.  Get a handle of a decent library, and pickup your used bookstore purveryor ( called sebo ), and develop a relationship with these folks.  They more knowledgeable ones will steer you on what to read.


I am guessing you have a Family Reunion visa? Does this have an expiry date, or is it indeterminada?

I have Family Reunion visa  is it indeterminada. thank for all your answers and Help