Digital Signature

Has anyone had experience of this new facility through the app? I only started using it a few months ago, and it seems really good.

I think it would only be available to permanent visa holders, but might be very useful to those needing to sign documents (even public powers of attorney), without resorting to visiting a cartorio in person, queuing, and pay a fee. It is free, and all done electronically.

If you need to sign anything, you could even do it from abroad, which means that collecting a CRNM for example, may not need an immediate return visit.

Good question.  Would also love to have digital signatures deployed more widely.

And a related implication that would affect future deployment success or failure - has anyone heard of being hacked or infected with ransomware? 

The technology behind digital signatures is very simple but if any part of the system is vulnerable to attacks, then I suspect that there will be hiccups in the future.