If you want to meet Korean(exactly Busan) friends?

hello, I'm Korean guy live in Busan.

If you want to meet Korean(exactly Busan) friends?
please send me E-mail. (greatjay7@gmail.com)

I have many Korean & some foreign friends(mans & womans),
we can meet periodically.

we always study foreign language, language exchange or watch movie or
various game(include drinking game) or exercise(badminton, game, etc),
voluntary service, climb a mountain... etc.

If you don't understand Korean? no problem, you can use your language.
(English, Japanese, Chinese, etc are allowed)

No matter where you are from and
which languages you speak, we welcome you with our whole heart.

If you want join, send me e-mail : greatjay7@gmail.com
(please write simple introduce & your phone number, thanks)

I am Momani from Jordan
I want to participate in your meetings, and I am interesting in making more friends.