Setting up an International School in Pokhara

Hi Everyone,

myself and wife were in Nepal and loved Pokhara so much. We are both teachers and are currently travelling the world, seeking somewhere to settle down and work.

After being in Pokhara and reading all about the poor standard of education given and how it isn't given value and the future leaders of the country aren't given a proper education.

We felt stirred to set up an International School using the Cambridge Curriculum in Pokhara. We have been looking into things and have found some info but we would be very grateful if people could give us further advice.

This is what we know so far;
- we could apply for a business visa
- show out capital of 20,000 euros
- apply for a permission letter from the govt to set up the school
- we can only start with a kindergarten as the govt don't want anymore money grabbing schools but could apply once we show standards

Any advice will be beneficial to our search.

my friend is opening an international pre-school soon

There is a educational charity that started in Nepal called room to read ( ), he built sustainable schools in many Nepal villages.

I am sure if you can contact someone from there they will give you some good advice and most probably some help.

I am currently in Nepal and have been talking with a friend who runs a language institute.  Whilst you may not be able to get a licence for a profit making school, it is apparently quite likely that you could for a language school, as long as you are able to run the IELTS test.

With the language section of the British Council offices closed, there is a lot of demand for IELTS schools, so this could be something to consider.  I am also sure that if you used financing from the IELTS fees to fund primary school classes, then you would have no problem.

Hello King Edmund,

I have a friend who is looking to start up a school. However, he is looking to partner with another foreigner and hasn't been able to find anyone yet. He would prefer to do it within the Kathmandu Valley though. My friend has lived Nepal on and off for quite some time (I don't know how long exactly but he has said that he was here during the most recent civil war) and I have worked with him at a school here. He's also prepared to put up a similar amount of money as you.
Please send me a PM because I know that he would love to hear from you.

My wife and I are working on School curriculum here in Nepal. Love to have anyone interested to involved.

Hello KingEdmund,

Were you successful with your efforts? I am looking to enroll my 6 year old son at an international school in Pokhara (even a very small school as long it is truly international).

Do you have any advice to offer?

an international school in Pokhara ?

there aren't that many expat families with kids living in Pokhara.

education is not a top priority in Nepalis society; it all depends on who you know and which cast you belong too. 

plus there are numerous schools in Pokhara that are free and the teachers are expat volunteers.   so the idea of paying expats to teach their kids can sound far fetched to the locals. 

the "upper" class in Pokhara ( if there is one ) will send their kids to England or Japan if they wish for the prestige of having a son graduating abroad; and most certainly they will remain abroad to practice whatever profession they choose.

the only sound business to do in Pokhara is something that's tourism related.  there is space for innovation and new ideas in the sector; since most business' there are of the brick and mortar type.  Nepalis will never take a risk and try something new and will always stick to what has worked in the past.

starting and maintaining a business in Nepal is not as easy as one might think.  there are challenges beyond the simple paperwork required to getting a license.   

best of luck.

Thank you gulfport. What are these 'free schools with expat volunteers'. Can you please suggest a few?

I am very late to this conversation but very excited! I am an experienced Early Years teacher and manager of my department. I have 12 years of experience teaching 2'year olds to 7 year olds. I am so passionate about the social and emotional wellbeing of children, teaching self-awareness and mindfulness as well as the British curriculum. I looking to change location from Thailand and my heart is in Nepal. I cannot find any schools that offer what o would like to offer children. I am wondering if I would be able to set up my own, how much it would cost and procedures. I want it to benefit Children of Nepal that do not have access to education but how to fund it? Could a percentage of expats pay? Any advice welcomed.

Hi, My wife and I are planning to set up a school in Nepal. If you are interested we can talk more. We are from USA

We are in pokhara currently... And would Like to discuss related possibilities, however we intend to use a moodle like system for online schooling. This has great potential in pokhara as well as other hilly Himalayan communities including those in India and Bhutan as well.

Wow! It's great to connect with you all :). I am not sure about online schooling as I am very passionate about the social, emotional and personal wellbeing of children. Can you explain a little more about your idea. Joshua, I will email you if you feel what I am stating regarding this resonates with your vision. I have a very clear vision and could only collaborate if this was shared as things would need to be consistent and positive for children of course. Shout back if you share the same kind of ideology and I will email you. Thank you all for your comments and time :)

We are on the process of having the land. After we have secured the land, we will start the building process. We want to start a School from Nursery to 3rd Grade level and each year upgrade one class until high school. We would like to focus on the children that can not afford the education. We have been in Nepal for over 6 years. We have been sponsoring some children to go to school in different villages but now moving toward to start a school that we can manage. Land is very expensive in cities. and it is also not easy to find a good location.

we will get 50% of children that they can pay for their education. That will help some expenses. We are also running a publishing company that produces school children's book in Nepal.

Have you ever considered to start your school a bit outside of Pokhara City? I purchased 2.1 hectare land and have build a complete school in 1997 with 10 class rooms, a huge canteen, teachers quarters , boarding house complex, self sufficient with organic farmland, a restaurant & lodge attached for extra income, 5 fishponds and over 100 fruit trees. Its 1 hour drive away from Pokhara center and I am selling it now because all our kids are adults now and me and our staff want to retire.
Look it up and make an offer if you like. Find it in my ad on the bottom of my profile. What do you say?

Joshua. I will email you!

Hi, I looked at for the ad and could not see it.

. are there already children at your school? what kind of school is it?

Thank you for your time,


Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
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Hi Joshua,

Would you mind sharing your e-mail address with me, I would like to know more. My email is,



Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : For own security measures, please do not share email address on the forum, you could use our private message system for that.

Very individualistic ideas on my part as well ... in general, would be best to discuss in person (somewhere Lake Side around Phewa lake) to see what our commonalities are, for anyone interested who is also in Lake Side for now ...

Hi Shaktipower,

Thank you for the response. Glad i found you.

I am looking for a progressive minded early education teacher to set up a progressive school for my own 6 year old son as well as other children. I am not happy with standard sit-in-the-classroom methods followed by most schools. Because I believe that primary children need to do more of 'learning-by-doing-and-exploring' outside the classroom than sitting indoors and copying notes off the board. So i am really motivated to set up a new outfit even if it starts with only a few students.

But right now Nepal's political situation is too fragile for me to set up shop in Pokhara or anywhere in Nepal.

I am looking for alternative countries now. Philippines is an option. Do stay in touch.

I am very experienced and passionate about this also. I am currently writing a curriculum. I was a 'lead teacher' in London and manage my early years team.
Please stay in touch.
I am in Bangkok and would be happy to stay in Asia.

Ok. Thank you. I am new to this forum :)

Hi I am operating a school in NUWAKOT DISTRICT about 4 hrs from KTM. School is primary school and all education is free all books, uniforms etc is free, we have 85 children at the moment.

This village was devastated after earthquake, so my wife and I along with villagers have decided to start a school it has been operating for 9 months.

We are going through process of registration I believe you can purchase someones registration if they arent using it do you know of anyone wanting to sell.

Hi Ben,
that is wonderful that you are helping those villagers. We just started the small school in East Nepal.

Hi Joshua

can you tell a little about your school and have you received registration for the school?


Hi Ben,
No, we have not received the Reg. yet. They are saying, Education ministry has not send any update yet. They were supposed to be Reg. before the end of Nepali month Chaitra, which was April 12th.

Our school is much different from other ones in the area. I would like to have students who can't otherwise get to go to school. those who are very poor, have no parents (Father or mother) disables. anyone who are local can join. But we are located in the area where population is small. I am involved with lots of travelling in Nepali villages so I see lots of these type of children.

Thanks for asking


I am New York State Certified in Elementary Education with a master's degree. If you open that school,
let me know! If you offer me a job there, it might be my pleasure to come and work for you! I would like to serve education to the beautiful children of Nepal in Pokhara!      Thomas Marcantonio in Niagara Falls, NY, USA

Hi KingEdmund,

Hope you are settled by now & your vision is going forward. i was just looking in to past response of this site. found yours. if any further steps you would like to take or any help. please connect with me. i been living in Ireland, Dublin now being back & want to connect with like minded, kind Hearted people like your self. have few business idea's to get grounded as well my previous business, Centre  look forward to hearing you.

kindest regards
Nabin **

Hi, I am Samundra P.S. from Kathmandu, Nepal. I have a dream to open a school in Nepal with affiliation to US school. If possible I request you to suggest the name of US school which is interested to  establish its branch in Nepal.

Hi Shakti, i guess it is old post. if you are still looking for like minded people to join, please drop me a line, i am nabin ,very much interested and have good people who are already teaching in school who are great & like minded want's to work in good organization. kind regards nabin

Hi, Iam originally from pokhara. I agree that education system in Pokhara in poor.
City is beautiful. I moved to Kathmandu( polluted city) 4 years back for better education for my kids.
I am still thinking about moving back to Pokhara.

I am UN employee currently working abroad.
Let's share our ideas and work together. my email- I will share later

@KingEdmund i would be happy to collaborate on it since i also looking for establishing international school in Nepal

nice work


Have you already set up or bought a school in Pokhara Nepal ? I live in USA too and am also interested to build a new school in Pokhara Nepal which has an international brand. Please reply me at [l***] if you haven't yet open one in Pokhara

Moderated by Bhavna last year
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
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Hello Azay11,

Welcome on board !

Please note that you are responding to an old post. That members hasn't been on the website for years now.

You may consider opening a thread on your own on the Nepal forum so that active members may reach out.

All the best
