Getting married in Panama

Hi all,

We invite all the ones who got married in Panama or who are about to get married in Panama to participate in this thread :)

What are the formalities to get married in Panama? Is it the same for a couple of foreigners of for a mixed couple (between a foreigner and a native of Panama)?

Are the procedures complicated?

How long does it take to carry out all the formalities?

Thank you in advance for participating,


We are planning to get married here as well. I'm a gringo she is local Panamanian. I just asked her and she doesn't know either. Guess we'll be going to the lawyer to get the scoop.

Keep it going and we'll do the same shortly.

Jim N Jenny

Hello there, congratulations on your next weddings.  I got married here in my country, I am Panamanian.  My husband (now ex) came from Detroit, USA.  He brought his papers (certificate of birth and certificate of singleship, both apostiled) and we got married in a Notary for about $150, after we had a few medical exams and my papers that I got for a few dollars and in a few days, less than a week.  It was easy.  But divorcing is not easy at all, I am still in the process for more than a year:(.

Lesson here is don't get married in Panama. Why? Just live with each other for five years and under the eyes of the Panamanian law that is considered a common law marriage. That is if, you are divorced where ever you lived before.