Expat blog gatherings in Essaouira

Hi all!

What about meeting the other Essaouira Expat.com members in real life? Organizing an Expat.com meet up would be an excellent way to know them! :)

An Expat.com meet up can be a diner gathering, having coffee, a bring and share in a nice place, a cultural or sports activity, etc. There are plenty of possibilities: just imagine a pleasant way to meet new people and old friends from Expat.com.

Feel free to organize Expat.com get-togethers in Essaouira: you would meet the other members in a friendly atmosphere and have a good time together!

Of course, we could offer some help to organize your meet up and to inform the community.

So, who's in? Do not hesitate to start a new thread to suggest an Expat.com gathering in Essaouira. ;)



Hi Julien,

We will be in Essaouira from 26th june till 3rd July house-hunting with the view of moving over from the UK later this year. Would be great to catch-up with people who have already made the move to find out first-hand how living in Essaouira is.

Happy greetings from rainy England
Rita & Steve :)

Hello Rita & Steve,

Also, please don't hesitate to start a new discussion on the forum Essaouira and organize your own meet-up! ;)

Thank you,

hello to all of this forum
it is a very good idea to have our own community at this place to get and offer help and seek knowledge that help us improve our best days of life .i will be here after two months as i have planed to come and marry here with a Moroccan lady that is in concern since long ago.i will be glade to have this community as i do not know any person here except my friend (wife).

Any questions you have, do ask.

Hi Julian
This is a great idea and I put a post up yesterday on this same subject on the Essaouira forum, but looking at the response to your post in June 2012 there has not been much enthusiasm for a meet up!
Well let's hope a few more see this and decide to give it a go...

My husband Ken and I are from England and so would be pleased to meet any other English speaking expats or those thinking of settling here. Maybe Rita and Steve did buy a property here in this beautiful place and would like to make contact with us?


Hi Mary,
I am currently between London and Essa, house hunting for future settling. I would love to make your acquaintance and build a meet up community in the area I guess.
I will be in town for the festival and house hunt and again in July and August with family.

I would really love to hear from people who have made the move and make friends.

Peace& Love
