Brass band in Munchen

Hello everyone,

With some friends, we would like to create a brass band in Munchen. So we are looking for people who play brass/wind instruments or percussions to join us. We just want to do it for fun so no needs to be a professional.

We should have a room for the rehearsals every Thursday evening, but that can change in the future.

Our aim is to play in the street three or four times a month, making a little money in the process, mostly to buy a few drinks and eventually a good meal together. We already have a few scores to begin playing and if you want to see which kind of band we want to create, you can search "fanfare cacophonie" on the internet and youtube. Three of us were part of this brass band in France.

So if you need any more information you can contact me by mail at

Thanks for reading,


Hello Maïlys.

Welcome to! :)

You should post an advert in the Activities section in the Munich classifieds. It could help.

Thank you,


Thank you for your advice, I posted my advert in the Activities section.
