Living with 670 Euro per month in Berlin

Hi all,

I am Haris, new comer in this forum :) Nice to know you all.

I have question and advice from you all.

In the beginning of next January 2013, I will move to Berlin for having internship for 6 months. The company paid around 670 Euro per month for me. Then, I need to rent room around 250 Euro per month. So, the rest of my salary will be around 420 Euro.

Do you think that's enough for me to live with that money per month ? :) I am moslem and need to find halal food. Is it hard to find halal food in Berlin ?

I really need advice and your comment about this :)

thanks a lot all.

Have a nice day



fsrst, you need to check if 670 is a brutto or netto (after taxation) payment. If you get pure 420 afterwards, I would say for a student that would be enough (but of course not a luxurious life) :)

Berlin has lots of Turkish Muslim people, many of whom run street corner shops. So, if you are able to accept Turkish groceries (quite different from Indonesian, but also Halal) I guess you won't have a problem.
Eating out will not be possible on your budget, just like all other luxuries (especially Asian food, which is expensive!).
You will also not be able to save anything, just in case you're wondering.

Edited to add:
Disregard subbmaria's comment about taxation: Your remuneration is below the threshold where tax deduction at source kicks in!
But you should check with your employer whether you need to pay social security (health, unemployment and retirement insurance): If you have to, EUR140 will be deducted for this from your pay (and then the remainder is not enough to survive!).

Thank you Beppi and Subbmaria :)

the salary 670 is netto. So, is that enough, right ? hehe..I wish :)

How good are you at begging - might be your only hope, my friend.

that should be enough if you're not smoking or being alcoholic :)

Cool question :-D

Every unemployed person in German has to get along with less money. Halal is more expensive than supermarket meat. But if you absolutely need, go on and try. Good luck. Berlin isn't cheap at all.

Berlin1973 wrote:

Every unemployed person in German has to get along with less money.

This is not true at all!
Unemployment benefit is 60-67% of the last drawn post-tax income, and is paid for 6 - 18 months.
After that, social security ("Hartz 4") kicks in, which for a single person is €380/month plus rent (and some other incidentals). In most cases, this amounts to above €670.
The (governmentally set) poverty line for a single person in Germany is €930/month and the (also officially set) minimum existence level ("Existenzminimum") is €677/month.

The umeployment support is after reduced by the rent about 390 Euro which is less than 420 Euro. The rent has to be paid so that this money isn't free available.

The OP would have to pay rent from his €670 too.

(And unemployment benefit is not reduced by rent - it only depends on your previous salary and how long you worked.)

Beim sog. ALG 2 zahlt das Jobcenter den Bedarf von ca. 370 € zzgl. der Mietkosten. Selbstverständlich ist die Miete abzuführen, so dass der ALG-2-Empfänger nicht über die gesamte Überweisung es Jobcenters verfügen kann, da er davon die Miete zu bezahlen hat.

ALG 2 berechnet sich nicht auf der Grundlage des letzten Einkommens, das ist lediglich beim Bezug von ALG 1 der Fall.

(bewusst in Deutsch abgefasst :-D)

This is not a German speaking forum, so you better post in English!

The OP wanted to know if he can survive on EUR670/month - and since he/she of course has to pay rent from that, too, I compared it to social security benefits including the rent portion.
German social security (called ALG2 or Hartz4) is EUR380/month (the exact amount is EUR382) plus rent. If rent is EUR300 or more (which even sublet rooms cost in most cities), this amounts to more than the OP has.
Is it clear now?

Hallo Haris. Apa Khabar?

Hello Chumi Sofea,

Could you please write your message in English on this English-speaking forum?

Thanks for your understanding!

Best regards