Morocco Expat Blog Dîner tomorrow at Casablanca

Hello there,

I hope you are well. I'm organizing a kind of "Morocco" dinner tomorrow evening in Casablanca.

We meet all in the only - and so the best one - Corean Restaurant in Casablanca :)

Seoul Garden
6, Rue Assilme - Maarif
Map :

If you want to join please confirm your presence below. I'll be glad to answer your questions if any.


Hi John, any date?;)

Topic sticked.:top:


wich   time  and   date ?

Thanks for the sticker Harmonie !

The restaurant is planned for tomorrow evening - Saturday 09 Mars- 8:00 PM (= 20h00).

We are already a group of five. Please if you want to join let a message below. You will be very welcome !

See you !


I want to be there.. But i am new in casa... If i ask to taxi, can i go there?

Hi Tayfunt

have a look at the map before coming ( and ask the taxi to go to "Boulevard d'Anfa". Leave the taxi when you arrive at the cross between Anfa and Zerkthouni. It is then less than 100 meters away.

See you tomorrow

I wish I saw this earlier, but anyway, next time maybe :)

How was the meeting . Any pic of that. Meeting


it has been a very nice first try ! We were 6 !
I'll try to organize such diner once time a month ,first Saturday of the month. Stay tuned !

Hi John :)
please next time when you want to meet up contact me at 0679 516 916 .. i'm Anas a moroccan university student :)

Hello, I live in casblanca and I missed this event, when are you planning the next meeting?...thnaks Adela

Hi John,

I saw your announcement too late. Could you include me on an e-mail list for future dinners? Thanks.

Barry Pell


Can you please organise a get together n a nice coffee shop or an international restaurant to meet all the tastes of people and demand a Korean restaurant is not a good idea as it is restricted to dinner and one Korean menu that cannot meet the desire of all. Last time there were a handful wish you all the best

Hey all expats around. Are you still having those dinners?
We might just go for a coffee shop or else to get a drink.

Let's call it Casa Expat Corner! :)

Who wish to join, drop me a line, we shall set it up next week. Meanwhile i shall advice place and time based on people joining.


Hi sakuramo8,

yes, we are still organizing dinners each month.
Last one was yeterday :)

Coffee is a really good idea !
We can try to organize one if you wish !

ah gosh!! i missed that.

All right. buzz me for next one.
