House share in Perth?

We are happily looking to live in Perth, Scotland for 6 months commencing on July 1, 2013.

We are looking to rent a room from a local.  We are known as The 6 Monthers. 

We need a room and internet.  Ideally we would be near the town center since we will be doing a lot of walking (we will have no car) and we will be doing a lot of sightseeing.

We have lived with and among locals in every country that we have been too and you learn so much more about a country when you learn from the locals.

We do not smoke, we have no pets, we are not partiers, but we are still a lot of fun!

If you have a lead for renting a place I hope you will contact me.



Hello Florence.

Do not forget the Housing in Scotland section. ;)

Thank you,