Nose Surgery in Tehran


I know nose jobs are VERY popular in Tehran. Can anybody here recommend a surgeon and also give an idea of the cost of surgery?

Would $2000 be enough?

hi dear
do you want to do a beauty surgery or your nose has a illness?
yes it is enough but you need a place for livinig about 2 weeks after surgery.
u can find some information in net about iranian doctors in field too.
ask me if u need more information

Hi Majid,

I mean for beauty/cosmetic reasons.

I have found a doctor now and am thinking about staying at the Asareh Hotel.

If you know good doctors or hotels in Tehran could you pm me please?

hi friend
i can ask to my friends for interduce a good doctor but i think u need a perosan who helps you in hotel too.bcz you shoulod stay in bed for atleast one week.
my yahoo messenger id is
about hotel i think it is depend to be near the your doctor.

hi , my doctor was MR Sohrabi , he is good and professional , his address is in vanak u can find a hotel near there

Rebekaa, do you have the contact info for Mr Sohrabi?

I was thinking of Dr Mohebbi but he's away when I'll be in Tehran so I need to find someone else.

How do people in Tehran find doctors (I know nose surgery is VERY popular there)? Thru word of mouth or do they advertise in magazines etc?

It's ok,I found his details.

Can anyone else recommend any doctors?

dear friend

this is dr sami website he is very good doctor in Iran

if you want any information and help tell me about that i have good experience about that

dear friend

this is dr sami website he is very good doctor in Iran

if you want any information and help tell me about that i have good experience about that

Find interesting subjects of rhinoplasty in Tehran:
جراحی بینی

I hope this letter find you well.
Yes, my country has very good surgeon specially about nose and boobies , the cost of this surgery start from 1500 USD to 5000 USD, it depends on your surgeon , if you want I could introduce you a good doctor to do it very well.


it is enough but you should take time of visit for surgery before you come the good doctors are crowded
you can fine with 2000 but the 3000$ is for the best that working on actors

good buy

Im trom France and need information about nose job iran in iran, which doctor i must see and are there travel packaging? Can you give names of good doctors less expensive than France please

hi im from the Netherlands, and i also wanna a nose surgery in iran..
can someone tell me about the best clinics in tehran? i just need more information cuz im trvaeling alone

Hi. Are you still in tehran now ?
I can help you to find it.  Contact me : xxx

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Hi . It could be btween 2000 to 5000 us dollars.i have done it  for 2000 dollar.
There r list of surgeons .plz choose what style u r into.
For natural nose i highly recommend dr noori, dr mohebi,drdr amir sajadian.
For dolly nose dr farshid is better.
I have done it with dr amir .and i am so happy till now .
In the case of any question , dont hesitate .

What do u want to know?

I wonder why nose surgery is popular here   :unsure . Can anybody enlighten the forum.

Please...Please...Has anyone had experience with a dr.Khashayar Ahmadi in Iran?...I have to do my secend nose-job...I like his pictures of work on instagram ...but I am not sure...🤔

Hi, did you find out more about dr khashyar ahmadi? I like his work to but cant find any rewiews about him

While everyone is talking about cosmetics does anyone know a good place for LASIK surgery? I am also wondering about the latest costs I am living in Tehran so don't need help with hotels 😝

MummyNeedsAholiday wrote:

While everyone is talking about cosmetics does anyone know a good place for LASIK surgery? I am also wondering about the latest costs I am living in Tehran so don't need help with hotels 😝

I don't know the current prices, but you can take a look at this website:

Laser Eye Surgery (LASIK) in Tehran - Compare clinics & prices

Thank you