Any English speakers around

Hi, I have just moved to Galati as my husband works here. I would love to meet any other English speakers that live or work in Galati.

I dont really advice u to avoid learning the language  .. learning romanian is not optional if ur planning to settle down .. and having some social life.. (dont do the same mistake i did) to postpone then to regret .:rolleyes:

I would like to learn the language, the problem is finding a teacher here. there are many in Bucharest but none in Galati.

Watch the Romanian tv, talk to your neighbours and go to buy things from the shops, listen carefully to the Romanian language and over time you will pick some up, it depends on the individual, but whenever anyone is exposed to a new language and culture its bound to rub of on them eventually, and you will naturaly learn some of it because its only natural and necessary to do so.

To have a dedicated teacher is not always possible, i have never had one and am learning Romanian by myself, slowly i am gaining more and more, it depends on your needs i suppose, in this day and age its quite possible not to learn Romanian if you live among other English speakers, its even possible for someone at the cornershop to have some English in there knowledge, if your kids attend an international school, and you work in an international company here in Romania then you probably wont actuall need Romanian, however i would recomend atleast trying some, its a very interesting language, and a very interesting culture, its not an easy language to learn, but its certainly worth it.

Dear Bluebell,

Hang on, we're coming soon to Galati:) Sadly we don't stay much there (just a week or so to deal with some documents), but I'd love to meet you for a cup of coffee (I am sure you've seen one of these nice cafes on Faleza).

So please let me know if you have time for some socializing.

Julia L.

Hi, for some strange reason I have only just got your reply here. Just let me know when you are in Galati and I would love to socialise.

Hi! We'll probably be coming to Galati in the end of August. Will you still be around:)?

Hi there-

My name is Michael and I'm a retired Psychologist, currently living in San Diego County, USA.  I have a fiancé in Galati, speaks 5 languages, would love to tech you.  Unfortunately her mother was just diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.  I'm here in the States losing my mind with worry as she is an 'only', and the Mom is all Alexandra 'has' as her dad seems pretty 'uninvested' in any part of the sickness thing.

Losing my mind here because only have internet for communication.  As I said, she is an only so God knows what is going on inside that home (hospital supposed to have sent Mom home for 'last' several months of her life.  Alex has a Masters in Business finance but zero in Nursing/Healthcare.

By any sort of miracle, absolutely a miracle, do you see any way that she can help you learn English as you sort of 'give her meaning and purpose'.  She told me that she is most 'alive' when she is helping people like the flood victims from the major flooding of the winter time floods.

ABSOLUTELY DO NOT EVER want to embroil you in ANY drama....just reaching out to the first Galati person on the ex-pat forum with a need that Alex can address.  ABSOLUTELY a shock when Physician came back with diagnosis.  IN NO WAY am I even SUGGESTING you become involved....just trying to link up a 5 language speaker with a 'student learner'.

Again, I'm stuck in CA, USA.  Simply writing to the 1st forum writer with a need I know c an be addressed (were it not for the recent diagnosis, that is.

My name is Michael and my e address is should you want to speak to me/yell at me/tell me I have a lot of nerve even mentioning her situation.

Fond regards-


there are many english speakers in galati

Hello! yes. i speaks english fluently,please what can i do for you?

Hi Bobby-

I may be traveling to Bucharest, in a month or so, and since I have never been to Europe before it would be nice to have someone there, rather than to be alone and isolated.  Bobby, I very much appreciate your kind offer of help, as it is much easier for me to travel for my first time knowing that there is a happy smiling face waiting at the 'end of the line'.  If I decide to go to Romania, I will post here, looking for you.  Let me know if communicating thru direct emails is something that would be help to you.  I can give you it, should you desire.

Thanks for your response-


Hey .. m an indian... would like to be your friend..

Hi Bobbu-

Thank you much for your kind and quick response.  I finally, by a miracle, got back in contact with my Prayer Partner/friend.  I really enjoyed know that you are available.  Thank you for your willingness to help me.  As of right now, I have no firm plans to visit, however, that may change suddenly, depending on the outcome of several 'moving parts'.  I do have one question concerning Galati, specifically.  If the time came when I was to take a train from Bucharest Airport to Galati, are there any reasonably priced hotels/taxi cabs in the immediate area?  Also, is the American dollar a currency of use there, for the things I mentioned.  Is there some kind of conversion system, or are things often shown in a USD/Romanian/Euro format, to make it easier for the visiting people?  Please excuse me for being so 'worldly ignorant.  I really never, ever thought I would leave the US, so I never involved myself in this area of thinking.  However, I am somewhat entranced with Romania/Galati, and all the 'history'/culture that is there.

Thanks Bobbyu-



I'm in the US, not anywhere near you.  But if I can be of help to you, in the spirit of this forum, just let me know.


Hello to everyone! I just arrived in Galati and intend to stay here for a while ;) i'm 32, came here to my boyfriend, love music, want to learn romanian language and mix a bit more with the locals. Are you searching for a company to spend some nice time in Galati, please let me know.

Hey Bliebell,
I just saw your message on this forum. I recently moved to Galati and would like to meet expats here. Are you still interested, please let me know. Maybe we can drink a cup of coffee together.

Hope to hear from you!
