Europeans and americans anywhere????

Hi ,
Im in qatar 10 months by now and to be honest i didnt met much people appart from my work . Unfortunately i work mostly with Philipinos and Arabs. I miss that difference in culture, specific sence of humor and style....
To be honest i use to be party girl ,always for action,fun,clubbing ,drinking...since im here i never went to club to dance till morning....I did kinda seen all the bars and hotels and restaurants but guys i am sooooo bored.

If there is any fun ,easygoing ,relaxed ,happy me :)

u should try to go to those meetups, u will find lots of european and american people there and they do nice activities together.

Yeah, there was one yesterday but I was too busy to go unfortunately! Maybe next time :)

Hi Giordana...

Whenever you want to dance just let me know... latin music is the best... maybe because I am venezuelan jajaja

Antonio Bastidas

Never heard about it. What meet ups? Give me more info pls

check the below websites:



Hey Mohamed,

I've heard of Meetup before, but that first website you've mentioned either got censored or the address is wrong. Could you send it again please?

Search for internations qatar

I N T E R N A T I O N S Qatar

Meet ups are great I feel these guys are like living in their own country

Same same !!! Amazing how am bored !!! I just wanna move and find "right people" I have nothing against some other people ;-) just nothing to share !!

Right! I m not nationalist or rasist or anything but being 2 years in Middle East I need some westerners around :)

Hola Giordana!

Ditto - I have been here since March and getting really bored!
We need to get some kind of group going....



Folks !! Let's move !! I think we are some bored people in the city - All together we'll be stronger and sure we'll enjoy better ! What's the plan, who wanna go where and when ?


I like your spirit, Uccellina! Lets do something this Friday!!

We should definitely make a group :) organiZe our own meet up :)

Girls , send me your numbers to inbox pls .


You can whatsapp me on [Moderated: Please use private message system to send personal contact information, for security reasons.]

Take care
