
Hi from Croatia.

My name is Marin 37 y.o. no marriage , i want go to live in some country like Iceland with strong economy and good job opportunities.
For start i need informations from you all people , what in Iceland is good and what is not , what kind of jobs needs employers on Iceland , informations of monthly costs of living............

Thank you and you can me wrote on mail

Hi Marin,

Welcome to :)

I created a new thread with your post on the Iceland forum in order to give it more visibility.
Concerning your questions, i will advise you to have a look at the forum and to browse through the different categories, there are some interesting and useful information already listed there.

Have a nice day,

Priscilla  :cheers:

That's marvellous.

I'm not sure I'd say that a country with currency controls and such a small population qualifies as one with a strong economy and good job opportunities, but I suppose it is all relative.

People working in IT and in hospitality tend to do well in Iceland, especially in the summer on the hospitality front. Tourism is increasingly year round though.

As for cost of living and other basics, I suggest browsing the other threads here for some starting information.