Moving to Lima


I'm Vicky from Italy.

I was born in El Salvador but moved to Italy when I was 7. I'm almost 32 now! :D

I spent more than a year in Mozambique and a year in Australia.

I'm moving to Lima this year in July and I would like to meet new friends.

It's always difficult to start by yourself in a new country.

I also speak Italian, Spanish and Portuguese... so just use the language you prefer if you want to contact me! :)

Hola vicky from Italy...I am Nathan 33 y.o from Australia...I travelled here to peru this Feb to be with my peruvian fiance and will be here for up to 12 months....anyway I agree about the difficulty in moving to a new country and trying to get settled and meet new I wish you luck and success and you may reply if you wish...ciao vicky  :cheers:

Hi Nathan from Australia,

thanks from writing.

I will be happy to meet you and your fiancé in Lima.

I'll let you know when I will be there :)

Wish you all the best too!! ;)

Yes....I just noticed you wrote "moving to Lima"...  :unsure

Sounds good Vicky, safe travels and feel free to send a message when you're settled in here in Lima  :top:

We will be happy to meet up with you...

Ciao  :cheers:

Hi All,

I have created a new thread for you so that you can interact and share your experience here :)

You were  :offtopic: where you initially posted as it was just a forum for introduction of new members.



Hi Vicky
Im Christiam, from Lima
Id like to hang out with you and go for a coffee or whatever.
See u

Hola Vicky,
No vas a tener problemas en adaptarte. La gente en Lima es muy servicial y te van a hacer sentir como en casa.

Hello Alexislat,

Alexislat wrote:

Hola Vicky,
No vas a tener problemas en adaptarte. La gente en Lima es muy servicial y te van a hacer sentir como en casa.

I remind you that you are posting on a thread of the english version of the forum Lima, so please write in english so that the other members can understand.

For the spanish version on the forum, follow this link : Foro Lima.

Thanks in advance,
Bhavna :)

Please, I would like to know the kind of requirements or problems when opening a bank account in Peru as a foreigner. Let's assume one already has the Cedula de Extranjeria. Some people have found it impossible to open a bank account. Also, I would like to know if one can buy real estate as a foreigner. Thank you

Moderated by Sarvesh 7 years ago
Reason : Please post in english only on an english speaking forum
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