How much is the salary for academic post in medical colleges?

hi. i have applied to certain universities of malaysia - MSU, Lincoln, New castle, etc. they have not mentioned about salary but are asking for current and expected CTC. i have no idea about the payscale in malaysia.

my qualifications are MBBS, MD (Pharmacology). i have 3.5 years of teaching experience in teaching post MBBS. so i think i fit in for position of senior tutor or lecturer. i am not sure about it. in india i am vorking as assistant professor and my salary is INR 50,000 pm.

can anyone guide me regarding the payscale in malaysia and how much should i expect?

Lincoln will be very low e.g. RM5k (some lecturers there earn only RM3k per month (its not a very serious place). Newcastle is UK-linked so more like RM8k, MSU is a bit unpredictable but depending on level of job it will be parallel with government uni salary levels, so probably around RM6k for more senior position. Salaries in academia are not high in Malaysia.

thank u for the info. thats sounds too less considering that ~30% of income vill be cut in income tax and i vould have to pay for accomodation, food, etc. i think i'll get less than vhat i could earn in india (MYR 3000) .

You have the wrong information about income tax. First 182 days as non tax resident is 25% flat rate then:

The tax bands for 2015 are as follows. Take your annual salary, apply the rates sequentially, then divide by 12 to get your monthly tax payment. If your salary is part way just multiply the part-amount by the % and add that amount to the previous total in the right hand column. … mp;sequ=11

0-5,000                0%                                                 
5,000-10,000      1% RM50
10,001-20,000    1%  +RM100
20,001-35,000    5%  +RM750
35,001-50,000   10%  +RM1,500
50,001-70,000   16% +RM3,200
70,001-100,000   21% +RM6,300
100,001-250,000  24% +RM36,000
250,001-400,000  24.5% +RM36,750
Exceeding 400 000  25%  (+?)

They may pay an allowance for accommodation. It depends on the employer. Look at Manipal as they recruit foreigners.

First step is to check whether you can be registered with the Medical Board here i.e. your qualifications are from an accepted university etc.

I think your assumption is also wrong "i think i fit in for position of senior tutor or lecturer". Try at the associate professor level. Check out this link to Manipal as it explains everything:

Cork may have been better as you would not have any schooling costs - here it will be a minimum of RM1750 per month and quite large initial fees. You can live in Malaysia for about RM2.5-3k per month.

This link gives you confirmation of the salary scale for Associate Professor

Payscale - Associate Professor

associate profressor post requires atleast 5 years experience post MD/phd. i have only 1 year experience post MD. in india i eligibke for assistant professor post vhich is immediately belo associate professor. i didnt see any assistant professor post in malaysian universities. the immediate post belo associate vas of senior lecturer. so i thought i fit in that category.

manipal is an indian university maybe thats vhy it has assistant professor post.

i am constalntly applying to ireland universities too as and vhen a vacancy is announced. havent recieved a positive reply so far.

thank u very much for the help. the tax calculation is quite complicated. i didnt understand it.

is 3k ringitt sufficient for a family? i have 2 kids.

The tax is simple. If you have RM8k per month your annual salary is RM96k. So you just add up the tax amount which is in the column on the right i.e.
0-5,000               RM0                                                 
5,000-10,000      RM50
10,001-20,000    RM100
20,001-35,000    RM750
35,001-50,000   RM1,500
50,001-70,000   RM3,200
70,001-96,000   RM5,460
Total                   RM11,060 divided by 12 (months) = 921.70 per month

RM3k is without children and education. Add an additional RM3500 (2 x 1750 education) for them.

If one has written a lot of papers/ journals, that is also another measure of what kinda of position you can hold as a lecturer. However it depends on the focus of the institution. Research focus ones will do that. On the contrary, not many universities in Malaysia are research focus.

thank u all for ur guidance. i recvd a response from lincoln university. it says:
"living cost is around RM 300 to 400 per month per head"
is this true? i vould be moving there vith my vife and 2 kids, elder child is 2.5yrs and younger is expected in a month. if HR's vord is true, then i vould need RM1600/month.

HR is also asking for my expected salary and says "lecturer(dr) salary scale starts from RM 4000"

so pls guide me hou much should i quote?
thanks a lot.

The figures are ridiculously low (as I expect you guessed). Renting property will be minimum RM1,250 per month, so I guess they are talking about groceries and utility costs. An example of cost escalation I can confirm is that my water charges went up from RM12 per month to RM20 (I think water is free in Selangor residential properties though). Remember to think about nursery school and later education for your eldest child - you need to budget at least RM1750 for that per month.

A big big big word of warning, if you dont get a salary of RM5k per month your wife and children will not be able to join you as dependents in Malaysia.  Watch out for this. You must also check you will be on an Employment Pass, because if on another type of pass, once again you cant bring dependents to Malaysia.

So you should request RM7500 as an absolute minimum. Dont jump too soon because Lincoln is not known to be among the best and professional institutions. It is absolutely an insult to offer a qualified doctor a salary of less than RM6.5k per month.

Dont accept anything unless you are sure your qualifications are acceptable.

that was really an eye-opener for me.  :blink:
thank u very very much. i better stay avay from this university.
i repiled to the HR asking him if university is providing accomodation, food and other allowances along with medical insurance and air travel. i didnt get any reply yet.

Maybe they dont know you have dependents and would want to bring them? If not done already you should always mention it, even if its on your CV. In defense of the uni, they try to get staff for the lowest possible amount of money.....  I dont want to disuade you, just make sure you are aware and position yourself correctly or at least any contract you sign should include reference that if you cannot be registered with the MMC, then the contract is nul and void.

It would be good for you to get clarification about your qualifications in any event. Contact the MMC … p;Itemid=3

Block B,Ground Floor,
Jalan Cenderasari
Kuala Lumpur

Telephone:     603-22628480/26912171
Fax:     03-26912937/03-26938569

I am looking for a list of universities whose qualifications are acceptable and came across this:

I found the list but check it out with the MMC … 141121.pdf

Thought I would just explain the immigration set up here and why it would affect your ability to be accompanied by spouse and children.

There are two or three parallel systems for different categories of workers - professionals and general.

The professionals, i.e. holding a degree, experience, etc. work under the Employment Pass system and the minimum salary is currently RM5k (I expect this to rise soon because of the cost of living hikes here). On the EP you can have dependents (including parents actually).

The general category work under the Foreign Worker system. It is open to about 10 countries in the nearest region, India is one of them. It has a "catch all" category called "services" so just about anyone can fit into that job type. There are no salary minimums, because the jobs they do are typically manual or unskilled (although some highly skilled technicians for building, engineering, etc. are also under this category). There is an age limit on this category. The main issue is there are no dependents allowed (so mostly its single men who are employed on this type of pass).

The third category is to with visiting experts and they also do not get to bring dependents and they can only work for a 1 yr period and then must return to their origin.

So you can see why it is important to know what employment arrangements are being proposed by a prospective employer. Most reputable ones will employ staff under the Employment Pass, but others are not so responsible and choose the Foreign Worker route and also get the worker to pay his/her own immigration costs. Anyone on an Employment Pass would not be asked to do this as its much cheaper and there is no Bond (which is what the workers are actually paying) nor is their any medical for EP holders.

If you have any questions, revert at any time.

I am an expat from India and I would advise you to consider the following and don't make any decision in hurry.

1. Are your children going to school - If yes, then there not not many good international schools here which have CBSE curriculum. You may have to shell out 1.5K just for education for 2 kids.

2. Transportation - This would be a tricky thing. If you live close to city, you can rely on public transportation but then rent would be higher and vice versa. note that public transportation is not good in KL (barring central city areas). Taxis is the only option barring public transport. Ask your employer for a transport allowance of minimum 500 RM per month.

My advise if you are earning 50K in India, you should not relocate for less than 8K RM per month (add another 1.5K if schooling is applicable).

Gravitas wrote:

The figures are ridiculously low (as I expect you guessed). Renting property will be minimum RM1,250 per month, so I guess they are talking about groceries and utility costs. An example of cost escalation I can confirm is that my water charges went up from RM12 per month to RM20 (I think water is free in Selangor residential properties though). Remember to think about nursery school and later education for your eldest child - you need to budget at least RM1750 for that per month.

A big big big word of warning, if you dont get a salary of RM5k per month your wife and children will not be able to join you as dependents in Malaysia.  Watch out for this. You must also check you will be on an Employment Pass, because if on another type of pass, once again you cant bring dependents to Malaysia.

So you should request RM7500 as an absolute minimum. Dont jump too soon because Lincoln is not known to be among the best and professional institutions. It is absolutely an insult to offer a qualified doctor a salary of less than RM6.5k per month.

Dont accept anything unless you are sure your qualifications are acceptable.

hi..i am a MD pathologist currently working as an Assistant Professor in India with monthly salary of 4200RM.Recently i got an offer from newcastle university malayasia to join there and they have asked me my expected salary,now i dont have any idea that at my position what should be the  salary i expect from the  university and should i ask for free accomodation,family visa ,transport and medical allowances.these things were not mention by the HR dept.Also i appplied to university kualalampur,as per salary structure which is better one out of two..please help

hi..i am a MD pathologist currently working as an Assistant Professor in India with monthly salary of 4200RM.Recently i got an offer from newcastle university malayasia to join there and they have asked me my expected salary,now i dont have any idea that at my position what should be the  salary i expect from the  university and should i ask for free accomodation,family visa ,transport and medical allowances.these things were not mention by the HR dept.Also i appplied to university kualalampur,as per salary structure which is better one out of two..please help

The COL will be about 30% higher in Malaysia. Medical insurance has to be provided but by deduction from salary usually. No coverage normally provided by family. Family can usually accompany but no accommodation provided, but you could ask for an allowance. It will be about RM1.5-2k per month. Newcastle is down in Johor (bit of a rough area) and is cheaper than KL. Housing allowance is usually possible to negotiate, but everything else you mention (transport, immigration for family, etc.) would not usually be paid as extras. Don't forget if you have school-going children you will have to send them to private schools as no access to government ones.

hi..thanks a lot for your information,so as per all these expenses we add up,what should be the possible  salary for a decent  livelihood in newcastle and of course with savings ..

Only you know the answer to that because you haven't mentioned the size of your family and whether you will have expenses for education. Savings will depend on that information as well. The decision of what you ask is yours based on what you have been told. Income tax also needs to be taken into consideration, e.g. is RM4200 after tax. As mentioned above Newcastle Uni would pay around RM8k, but if you add on 30% to your current salary plus extra expenses because you are no longer living in India, then you can work out whether a move is financially viable.

How to know whether an offer from university as Professor  is a spam or actual one .My second question is how much is the minimum and maximum salary of professor in UNiv ,in Malaysia , Does this salary includes all allowances like transport , accommodation etc etc.

How much a fully furnished accommodation ,helping hand in the house  and living cost in Malaysia  cost per month. Is there any discrimination with Persons from other countries .Do they pay fare to an fro on joining the job.How much time it takes by authorities in Malaysia for giving work visa etc .

How much a fully furnished accommodation
- depends where but RM1.5-2k per month

helping hand in the house - depends live
- in (RM1200 per month) or part-time

living cost cost per month - RM1200

any discrimination with Persons from other countries
- some (Indian origin make up 10+% of Malaysians)

do they pay fare to an fro on joining the job
- quite often

how much time it takes by authorities in Malaysia for giving work visa etc
- 1 month for permission to hire - 1-2 weeks after arrival to issue employment pass

How to know whether an offer from university as Professor  is a spam or actual one
- if interview and recruitment process is thorough with more than one interview it is likely to be authentic

My second question is how much is the minimum and maximum salary of professor in UNiv ,in Malaysia
- see above

Does this salary includes all allowances like transport , accommodation etc
- depends on the employer and package

First of all I am  obliged to you for answering my queries, But few queries still need to be clarified .
1.   I have given a  skype interview and now they are asking for papers like copy of Passport , academic certificates  etc. Is it okay ..
2.I shall feel glad if U let me know the pay of Professor of medicine in University normal pay inclusive of Transport and housing allowance or exclusive of this. It is important to compare my present with future scales and facilities .
.3.What is the distance between KOta Damansara and SIBU where the hospital is situated .
4, Does SEGi univ Medicine have an understanding  with SIBU hospital  for teaching students
5.Is east Malaysia okay than west malaysia for job and stay.
6. Will it be convenient to travel to SIBU from DELHI or Kathmandu.
Thanks once again

Sibu is in Sarawak. It is in East Malaysia which is Borneo - a 1.5 hour flight from mainland (peninsular) Malaysia.  Look it up on the internet because Kota Damansara is near KL City so you cant commute.

I guess its this place that is hiring … operation/

Have they mentioned you should pay any money for immigration etc? then its a job scam.

I don't think there are direct flights to Sibu and you have to change at KLIA (KL International Airport).

Malaysia only recognises some medical degrees and you have to register with the Malaysian Medical Council to teach in the universities. Have you checked whether you qualify for a job in Malaysia? Which medical degree etc do you have?

Check if you have a registerable degree here … 141121.pdf

All other information about payscales etc. is contained in earlier postings - please do some work yourself by actually reading this thread thoroughly.

Hello  dear friend ,
My  query is   what is the age limit for working  in SEGI  university,
  I have tried to find out but could not locate .----  what is the approximate  salary of Professor of Medicine in SEGI university. Thanks

BALBIR wrote:

Hello  dear friend ,
My  query is   what is the age limit for working  in SEGI  university,
  I have tried to find out but could not locate .----    what is the approximate  salary of Professor of Medicine in SEGI university. Thanks

Looks like the SEGI jobs are scams as they ask for money. No idea about salary and age. But if you contact the member who has revealed the scam he can tell you what was in the Job Offer (although fake).


Nothing more to add. All you need is in the thread. Salaries in Malaysia are based on the employer asking the prospective employee their required salary.

Just out of interest I asked someone I know what does the British council pay English as a foreign language teachers. 8 to 13k a month. Managers get a lot more. TEFL never pays that well so as a baseline comparison worth noting.

Can any body let me know nearly the salary of professor of medicine in a medical school in Malaysia university.
Dr Bing Shang Tung

Gravitas wrote:

This link gives you confirmation of the salary scale for Associate Professor

Payscale - Associate Professor

This may help - it is from further back in the discussion where ballpark figures are also mentioned for various universities and SEGI would rate about the same as Uni Malaya, e.g. around RM8,500 (max RM10k per month - but perhaps this level is reserved for Malays).

Can someone tell me the position and prospect of Faculty of Medicine, Widad university college?