New member from Ankara

Hi everybody. I'm an engineer at Siemens AG. unfortunately, i am here, knowing no-one and no-where. Can somebody assist me?

Here are some guides and tips. … 41#2474451

Enjoy your stay!

socratesla wrote:

Hi everybody. I'm an engineer at Siemens AG. unfortunately, i am here, knowing no-one and no-where. Can somebody assist me?


Please note that socretesia has been banned so do not expect a reply.

Yups.. Noticed now. .. Not expecting a reply in any case. Thx

stumpy wrote:


Please note that socretesia has been banned so do not expect a reply.

Ur cntct plz I Wabash shift to turkey should I? Is it better thn pak

Do you have a good job offer in Turkey? That way you can make a comparison if it is better than what you are getting in Pakistan at the moment. 

maazz wrote:

Ur cntct plz I Wabash shift to turkey should I? Is it better thn pak

Moderated by Gavind 9 years ago
Reason : Free advertising is not allowed on the forum

why was he banned?

Hi I'm rym from Algeria and I'll visit Istanbul and ankara next week ;)

Hi, Ill be visiting Istanbul 1st week of July!

Moderated by Maximilien 8 years ago
Reason : post in the jobs section pls

Hello  ..Maybe we can meet..where are you from??ı am a well educated turkish lady..regards..

Hi necmiye,
I would love to meet you....where do you live?

Hi..Ihave been living in Ankara.. Would you come to turkey with your wife**?what did you do before the retirement?regards..

Hello  ı am an English educator..ı live in Ankara..ı had sent you an e mail..didnt you get it??

Hello.havent   you received my reply*?regards..:

Necmiye with whome you are speaking?


When posting here can you please let us know to which post and to whom you are replying.
This will then stop any confusion.