How long americans can stay in palestine

hi just wondering how long americans can stay in palestine, especially ramallah?  thanks.  can you send reply to my email at  I really want to move there soo bad.

Does any one know if there is a time limit if you want to live in ramallah?  Or can we as Americans just stay as long as we want?  Do we need a visa?

Hello Tammy,

the Israeli government is allowing you to stay for 90 days inside. wherever you stay inside Palestine its belonging to Israeli government. you will have the visa as a stamp on your passport when you arrive Tel Aviv airport.

Hello, I am a fellow American and I have lived in Palestine for 18 months now.  I first had the tourist visa for 90 days.  Then, I got the Spouse reunification visa from the israeli government.  You have to be married to someone who has a Haweehah ID, get married here officially in Palestine.  ( We took our original US marriage license and birth certificates of our children, its just a piece of paper you need)  You can get this spouse reunionification visa twice, each lasting one year.  After that, you have to cross the bridge every three months to have a valid visa.  Good Luck!


This topic has been introduced as a new thread on the Palestine forum. :)

yes you need a visa...but i dont think there is emphassy for palestine in US...