Friends in alexandria

hi iam american living in alexandria. i would like to meet either fellow american or woman that speak good english. i have 3 children 2 boys 11,and 9 and a girl 7yrs old.
we have been here 3 yrs already and i do speak some arabic although not too well but it dont stop me from trying. i can get around on my own pretty well but would love to have company when i go out . my email is if ur looking for a friend also please contact me. no men please iam happily married to a egyptian man for almost 20 yrs now.


the American in Alexandria network may help ;)

Hello :) i am latin living in california at the moment but my fiance is Egyptian living in Egypt.. We met online in 2007 and i have been to Egypt twice.. We are now engaged and planning to get married in December or January of 2012.  We plan to live in Egypt and although i have visited twice and met his family and friends, still feel a little anxious to take such  big move.  I visited Alexandria in a very short trip and loved it! How do you like living in Alexandria and Egypt itself?!

Hi daydreaming,

Welcome on Expat-blog! :)

I would suggest you to start a new discussion on the Alexandria forum for greater visibility.

Wish you good luck


I'm relocating to Alex mid September with my husband and always keen to explore the city, etc...always better with a friend. I'm originally from Canada and currently living in Italy..looking forward to the markets and culinary experiments of Alex. I went through that area in the late 70's so interested in seeing all the changes. Look forward to meeting you.

Ciao Colleen