Hallo looking for pinay friends living here in stuttgart

Im filipina and im looking for pinay friends living here in stuttgart

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Hallo, Jovy. How are you ? I am Lora ans will move soon in Bretten on july i m alao looking for pinay friends and stuttgart not so far where i plan to stay. So hope we become freinds. Thank you!

Moderated by Bhavna 7 years ago
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Hello, any filipina/filipino in Stuttgart to hang out with?

komosta every one I love pinoys I come from Dubai and missing all my pinoy friends

hello po


Moderated by Bhavna 6 years ago
Reason : Please post in English only.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hi! I am also a filipina and just moved here in reutlingen(30mins away from stuttgart). My name is Melanie. I hope you can add me whatsApp or viber. so maybe we can talk. ***. i dont have nothing to do while my husband is at work😊

Moderated by Priscilla 6 years ago
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I'm sure there are Filipinos in Stuttgart but I have never seen a specifically Filipino restaurant, shop, or organization that I can think of. There was a Filipino karaoke bar in the center some years back but it closed down. Looking at Google I found the following international culture organization listed on the Stuttgart city website:

Internationaler Kulturverein
Filipino Community Stuttgart e.V.
Am Kutschersberg 9
74255 Erlenbach-Binswangen

For more information including telephone numbers for the person in charge can be found at:

https://www.stuttgart.de/item/show/3058 … pt/131093?

Also, I found a Facebook page, “Filipino Community in Germany”

Hallo, I'm a Filpina/American Pinay who will be in Stuttgart starting this Thursday June 21. If you would like to meet up let me know. Danke!

Hi am Madhu from india now leaving in Stuttgart, indian musician and  working in IT,  looking friends