Looking for Photography Club or Events in Kinshasa

Hello everyone,
I'm Nurul. I'm new in this forum.
I moved to Kin around 10 months ago. So far, I enjoy my life here, even it's a little bit difficult.
Anyway, I really love photography a lot. I just wondering, if there's any photography club in Kinshasa that I could join with. Or maybe other events which are related to photography things, i would be glad to be informed :-)

Thanks in advance,



Hi Nurul, welcome on the forum! :)

I hope that other members will be able to give you advice about photography club in Kinshasa.

I wish you good luck :)

Thanks Christine..
Yeah, I really wish i could find it. It's not easy in DRC for taking picture since some places will be forbidden for capturring pictured. Being part of a club will make it more easier and organized..