How to make friends in Manchester

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals or expatriates) when you're living in Manchester :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Manchester??

Thanks in advance for your participation

Cousjsurifng community, just take part of the group "manchester" and also contact person who are readdy for "a coffee or a drink"...

I would like to know how to meet people in Manchester too!

Just moved here and dont really know anyone.

Like you meet people everywhere in England, down your local pub! That aside, join special interest groups, the internet, etc I guess. The Manchester resients are generally quite easy going.

hello !
when I  arrive in Manchester I will organise and meet those who feel lonely as I suppose I will feel the same...but unfortunately not in summertime ! I am still in Paris...

I would imagine I should probably find out if the intended friend is a Red or Blue Mancunian before divulging my specific loyalties.

Don't worry about that Jonathan..if they live in Manchester, they are blues..if not, they are traitors!! Well..seeing as Man Utd is not actually located in Manchester. Well..not to worry really, Mancunians are generally speaking quite pleasant creatures to get on with.

My name is Ally Masoudy,am a Tanzanian looking for friends from Manchester in England.Send me an email will be soon replied,my mail address is

I am now in Paris and I will be in Manchester on the 21st of March. I am highly interested in meeting people. My email is

ynot8785 wrote:

I would like to know how to meet people in Manchester too!

Just moved here and dont really know anyone.

How do you like writing smt about yourself to see if we ve got any common ground? Nothing to lose after all.
Same's for anyone else in here!

i prefer true people...

oluwasiji wrote:

i prefer true people...

what do you mean please?

us Mancunians are an interesting bunch........we are quite nosey and like to know about  "foreigners", and a majority are true football fanatics - not all though. We tend to talk to anyone and will regularly start conversations with complete strangers (example), and will help anyone we meet if we can. We are a close-knit breed, and are fairly tough skinned - but always have a smile.

:huh: I MEAN: i like to friend people who are straight, people who love to be truly harmless and full of golden heart. i love to friend someone who understands me and do his or her best to work out my success and vise visa