Driver's license

I would like to ask, how can i get a driver's license in Austria? I only have student license from the Philippines.

I do not have have any idea how should I go about it.

Your reply will be very very helpful.


kmkuehne wrote:

I would like to ask, how can i get a driver's license in Austria? I only have student license from the Philippines.

I do not have have any idea how should I go about it.

Your reply will be very very helpful.


I'd recommend you start reading here … Conversion

However, I would be doubtful that a foreign student driving license would be exchanged for an Austrian one, meaning you will need to start from zero at an Austrian driving school.

Hi kmkuehne :)

Welcome to

I will 2nd in what romaniac has said, very doubtful that you will get it converted as it's not a full license.

I can not recommend a driving school But you will find a list in your area HERE

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