Hello Expats...Getting the show on the road!

Hope everyone is well and doing okay.  Been a busy beaver acquiring passports, Visas, and a temporary dwelling in Mexico!!  Yes, plans have come together and we have obtained temporary residencies so that we may keep the truck and drive across the border with the fur kids.  We leave next month!#@)(%!  Getting all the many affairs in order as we prepare to depart for our journey.  Pinch me!!  I want to thank everyone for all your input and help, it was invaluable.  Let's get the show on the road :-)

Great ! Have a safe journey.

In our case, my wife and I just got our permanent residency Visas, we are flying to PV on August 25th.

Adios, GyC.

Wow!  Congratulations to you both!!  Sounds like you are getting the show on the sky!

Are you as excited and exhausted as I am?  So much work unloading all of our things and getting our affairs in order.  I know there will be a lot of freedom in letting go.  So many emotions!

Hi, which part of Mexico City are you?

Hi. Congrats
Did you take some of your belongings with you?
How hard was the home hunting process?

Hello Expats! We just moved to Mexico City! We did the beautiful drive!  I see many of these messages are from 2017 so you have been here for a while...How do you like it?