Jeddah - British community


I hope you are all well.

My husband and I are new to Jeddah and so far so good :).

We are wondering if there is a British community here in Jeddah? And If so, are there any coffee morning, gatherings that anyone could share?

We have relocated from Manchester x

hey there! my recommendation would be to join the british consulate mailing list for events and i am sure u will meet other brits through that. and please do not forget to send me an invite to the next party when they have it :P


Where are you living here in Jeddah, I am from Lancaster myself

Thanks for the responses.

Manchester in the UK, it's much colder than Jeddah at the moment! 😳.

Am not missing the cold weather from the UK at all

djfarhan wrote:

hey there! my recommendation would be to join the british consulate mailing list for events and i am sure u will meet other brits through that. and please do not forget to send me an invite to the next party when they have it :P

brit consulate parties have the worst policy, they take away your mobile phone...for someone who has to be on call, I'd rather not risk it for few hours of entertainment...

Are Indians or Italians allowed? And if yes they'll check the Id of the Person too?


there is an opportunity for us to move to Jeddah in the new year... we are from Colchester, How are you finding it so far?

Hi, I'm from Southampton (am half English and half Saudi) and wondering if there was any British community gatherings too? If not, maybe something needs to be arranged :) anyone interested?

Actually i'm Saudi guy, lived and born in Jeddah. But i have spent many years in Manchester and Ireland and I have been graduated from Dublin and my daughter was born in Dublin.

So it will be very nice to see guys around

Email me if you are interested in going to have a coffee somewhere in the city ( unfortunately there is no bars in here (:  )

Cheers  :top:

Well, I spent 4yrs in London, i like the way they gather, if you're interested then we can arrange our coffee at morning?

I missed london weather always.. 😩

Hi, I am from Manchester too. Are you still here?  I realise this is an old thread!

Welcome my fellow Brits

I'm from Birmingham living in jeddah

Hi, I am from Manchester, also in Jeddah! Lovely weather yesterday, it reminded me of home!

Any one from uk still in jeddah ?

Hi! My daughter is moving to Jeddah tomorrow from South Wales! 👋

I arrived in jeddah last year and and still here.
Message  me if you wanted to chat?
Hy there, new to Jeddah from the UK
Any recommendations or communities which can be created of

Hi All,

Just arrived to Jeddah, looking to meet some fellow brits and get the lay of the land.

please reach out.



Hello J.standing,

You should tell us more about you.1f601.svg

Are you looking forward to meeting only Brits or any other nationality?

Feel free to ask questions if you have any.


Cheryl team

Haha anyone that's in Jeddah.

Need to set up a life here so need to meet lots of people.

what is there to do on a Thursday nights/weekends? 

are there any expat sports groups etc.?




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