
Hi all. My wife and I are heading to Fiji in 6 weeks to take on a position at the USP. We have been considering brining our two dogs (border collies) despite the costs. Has anyone had experience brining dogs to Fiji? How have they coped with the local dogs and environment?
Thanks and cya all soon
Marty and Bron

Welcome on Expat-Blog Marty and Bron ;)

I hope that other forumers will bring their input in regards to your pets travel ;)


Hey (again) Marty,

sorry to spam you here like this :)

Can Border Collies take the heat and the humidity? Serious question. If you are really set on bringing them and you think they can take the climate, why not? If you are already living in a city and the dogs are used to confined spaces/ compounds, so on so forth. But check with Fiji Customs and the Quarantine department first, regarding cost, what you have to do and so on.



Marty & Bron
We are going through this process at the moment.
We have info on people to use at the Fiji end because if you use Jetpets or Skypets (and the international removalists use these people) they will only get the dogs to Nadi and they need to go to Nausori for their one week quarantine. Then you need to pick them up there.
Because of the size of your dogs they will probably not fit on the plane so will need to be driven from Nadi to Nausori accompanied by someone from Quarantine.
This can be done.

Hey all
Thanks for your replies - and Denis I dont consider myself spammed at all when the information is so useful!

We have looked into the process and costs involved, and considered the impact of the new humid environment on our woolly dogs.

This and other factors such as the added difficulty of finding rental and simply travelling around have led us to decide to leave our dogs with relatives here in Oz. A tough decision but not much tougher than deciding to sell our 72 Kombi.

Still - relatively small prices to pay for the experience awaiting us, and experiences are what we value the most in life:cool:.

Its great to make contact with people in the same boat. Thanks again and Vinaka.

We are still going through the process of arranging to take our dog with us.
We now have the Import Permit (now handled by Biosecurity Authority of Fiji) and everything is ready to roll.
The only thing we are having trouble finding out is whether we need to have Residence/Work Permit in place to collect the dog from Quarantine. We may not be able to arrange this until we get to Fiji ourselves & don't want to have the dog languishing in quarantine if it is not processed in time.
Can anyone advise whether this is necessary or do we just need an address?



Hello Michael,

well, I would suggest that you simply get on the phone with somebody at Biosecurity. Workpermits CAN take a looong while, depending on the weather, the tide, the mood of the officer in charge, the allignment of the stars and gawd knows what else. Catch my drift?

To give you an example. I am waiting since 4 month for a single signature from a minister. His secretary and I have become good buddies by now.

Get on the phone mate, and find out directly...




Got an answer from Biosecurity!
"all we need is the Veterinary Cert & Vaccination Cert as stated on our import permit"

So for anyone in the future who has the same question, you can take the pet while waiting for Fiji time to catch up on the work permit


very glad to hear that.

I am sure that this will be a good reference point for the future.

Let us know how you go with the rest of "adventure"

Hi all,

Thanks for the helpful info here in this thread. My husband and I will also be moving to Suva later in the year (also to take up a position at USP) and we will be bringing our cat along.
Won't be the first time she's been in quarantine as we moved from Europe to US, and then to Oz with her.

So thanks for some of your info here - much appreciated.


Last time I said you can wait for the work permit but this is not exactly true. Biosecurity are ok but Customs require the work permit. We have found a very helpful person with the import of our dog and with the delayed work permit. His name is Mahabir Singh. He works for Air Terminal Services (Fiji) Ltd in Nadi. We were put on to him by Jetpets. His email is He is taking care of all arrangements in Fiji from the dog's arrival in Nadi and transfer to the flight to Nausori to getting her to quarantine in Koronivia. This has been critical for us as the dog arrives 3 days before we do.