Concert in Cologne with American musician David Rovics

Hi everyone,

I'm organising a concert with the singer/songwriter David Rovics from Portland/Oregon and it would be great if some of you are interested. I'm only a fan organising this event and I'm doing this for the first time.
It will be on April 10th, 8 pm (door 7 pm) at the "Alter Wartesaal" in Cologne, next to the station.
David is a political activist singing songs for human rights and solidarity, against war, globalisation and international injustice.;
In his songs, he covers also current topics, e.g. his new songs are about Bradley Manning, the Wikileaks whistle-blower and about the nuclear disaster in Japan.
His huge repertoire ranges from powerful political songs to satirical chansons and romantic ballads.
Come and join us and enjoy an exciting and moving evening with an amazing artist, for just 10 Euro.
Hopefull see you on Sunday!
Regina :) (

PS: The venue will also sell drinks there, in a comfortable, pub-like atmosphere.

It was a lovely concert, but not a lot of people.
Maybe you want to listen to David's music on or
I also would like to do it again, so if anyone is interested, feel free to contact me. ;)