Moving to Boston, good idea?


I work for a large tech company that has offices near Boston. I am currently living in Oregon. I love it here but mostly because it's beautiful and clean but I am super alone as my entire family lives all up and down the east coast. I am very interested in the educational system in Boston, I have two gifted children and I really want them to succeed by sending them to good schools. I was wondering if you guys think it's a good idea to move to Boston?
About me:
- From NY, born and raised.
- Work for Tech company.
- Is Puerto Rican <----Sometimes I think this is why I am super alone here. There seem to be a lot of racism here and I can tell they don't like new people. Not everyone is racist, I'm guessing. But, how would I know, they won't talk to me.....
- Single mother, young children.
- Work remotely.
- I won't go back to NY, I don't want to live too far from the city, living near the city is too expensive and not worth it.
This is going to sound awful and I am so sorry if I offend anyone but I have gotten used to living in the suburbs around successful middle/upper class people. I really appreciate how quiet neighborhoods can be and no kids playing in the streets. I also like that I don't have to have my guard up because I might run into some mentally ill person looking to fight me (This is from NY experience).
What do you guys think? Thank you for your help!

Boston certainly has better professional sports teams than Oregon.  Good luck on living in suburban Boston as a single mother, better run the numbers first.

I am not into sports so it's fine with me that Boston has better teams than Oregon. I don't have to live in Boston, I work remotely, I just want to be close enough to be able to drive to the office if I need to. I was hoping for someone to mention maybe a nice neighborhood that I can do some research on.

Hopefully someone can give you more insider information but as this is a site for immigration, which doesn't apply in your case, then maybe this is not the best site for you to find such information. There are a lot of things to be said for Boston but I question if it will actually solve your problem. Are Bostonians really more open and friendly?

Maybe you should first try living in Portland before locating across the country. I understand your liking the quietness of suburbia but the loneliness factor is another side of the same thing. A bigger city, but quiet neighborhood is possible in Portland – although I know there are some edgy neighborhoods there as well. Oregon is funny in that cities like Portland and Eugene are very liberal while rural and small communities tend to be conservative and even red-neck. The whole State is pretty white though. But I think there is a conservative trend country-wide that is biased against anyone looking Hispanic. People's minds have been fried by FOX-News and similar propaganda to assume anyone not a WASP is some kind of a drug-selling illegal alien or a terrorist. I doubt you will escape that just by moving to the Boston area.

Another thing is that due to a number of factors people are just getting less social. People can't be bothered to find new friends or do things when they can just communicate on their cell phones or stay home and watch Netflix. Finding friends can mean taking active measures. Events at your kids' school, classes, sports clubs, and hobbies, church if you are religious… lots of places where one can encounter people with similar tastes or situation. Powell's books in Portland often has authors speak for free. See when the author of a subject that interests you is there and you'll likely have the chance to meet some like-minded people.

Hello everyone, I would like to ask for your help in my goal of changing home country.I would appreciate it very much if you could provide me with the necessary steps that I must follow in order to immigrate to Boston. Also, it would be very useful to know which are notorious sites for searching a working position in the city. I am a Greek citizen so I would need a visa but in order for it to be issued what are the requirements?I am a holder of a Master's degree in Science of Performing Arts, with some experience as an Assistant Theatre Director and a technical Support advisor for mobiles device for over a year.Any information would be highly appreciated.Thank you.

Mary Daniela wrote:

Hello everyone, I would like to ask for your help in my goal of changing home country.I would appreciate it very much if you could provide me with the necessary steps that I must follow in order to immigrate to Boston. Also, it would be very useful to know which are notorious sites for searching a working position in the city. I am a Greek citizen so I would need a visa but in order for it to be issued what are the requirements?I am a holder of a Master's degree in Science of Performing Arts, with some experience as an Assistant Theatre Director and a technical Support advisor for mobiles device for over a year.Any information would be highly appreciated.Thank you.

Sorry but this is exactly the kind of question that advisers here hate to see. The whole site is answering such questions in specific context. You cannot post such an open general question and expect a detailed answer. Do your homework. Look at US government sites about requirements for immigrating and getting a work visa. Then look through this site at other posts where such questions have been answered time and time again. And THEN, if you still have specific question you can gladly post them. But best to start a new thread rather than adding them here to an ongoing thread that other than referring to Boston is completely off-topic.

Dear Mr. TominStuttgart,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your immediate reply. I realise that communication here is taken really into consideration. Please, accept my apologies for sending twice the tread. Be sure that it was a connection issue rather than taking precious space on your site intentionally.Also,  constructive criticism is highly appreciated, but a welcoming attitude is always more encouraging.Words such as ''hate'' I find that are inappropriate in an international and immigration site such as don't you think? Nevertheless,  I am grateful for the above information provided, since I got the confirmation that I needed.

Mary Daniela

I think it is worth. Everywhere there are advantages and disadvantages, I think that you should experience all this on yourself. I think you will like it there.