Visa canaris

Hi all,
I am non Eu,but i have a valid residence of nederland im wondering if i need a visa to visit tenerife or no,thank you

You usually need to travel on your passport, You cannot travel to another country using a residence card.
Just in case I am wrong you should contact the nearest Spanish Embassy for information

No i can travel in all the europe union just im wondering about the canaris


Just to make it clear. 

You said, “ I can travel in all the europe union.”     

You  cannot travel automatically to U.K. nor Ireland as they are not in the Schengen Area.  For both you need a passport and maybe a visa too

Sorry I have not had time yet to check out the info so as to be able to answer your question.

Yes i know that its just Schengen,because i want to go to tenerife i dont know if i need a visa or no

I suggest you check it out here