Riyadh to Dubai by road

Hi all,
I got a visa to the UAE for 90 days, I am planning to go in my car.

do anyone travelled recently by road to UAE.

1. what are the additional documents I need to carry with me.
2. how much I have to spend for the third party insurance in the border
3. is there anything like only 5 years cars will be allowed?


Carry your car papers and make sure that the car is your name.  If it is on a bank loan or in some one else's name, you would need to get authorization from them.

I don't know the cost for 3rd party insurance but it is likely to be nominal depending on the time period you take it for.  Model is not a restriction as far as i know.

thank you

appreciate for the clarification.


Insurance for Saudi card only uae border is as follows

Saloon and station cars insurances
14 days insurance. @200 AED
1 month. @300
3 months@400
6 months @500
1year @800

 would like to travel Dammam to Abu Dhabi By Bus or taxi..

Please guide me how to get bus and taxi for Abu Dhabi from.

If you have any details or contact details please share with me.

Thanks and Regards



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