Looking for Work Teaching English Regular Pay

I am a travelling teacher. I have made good wages elsewhere and hope to get work in Kathmandu, but if not here in one o fthe big cities (New Delhi, Agra, Bangalore) in India. I have 5 years experience and a post-grad degree in English. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

hi i would like to help u...where r u from exactly???

Thanks for your reply. I am American.

Yes you mentioned help? I am all ears.

well can u contact me in my email address???tell me all about u and wat do u need and are u looking for here in nepal?
according to u i will find something.

my email address: koolskater_grunge@yahoo.com

Ok I emailed you.

Hello philolinguist and welcome to Expat.com!

I hope that other members will help you soon.


Me too. Thanks!

Are you still looking for the teaching job? Well i have position in Pokhara if you are interested please email me with your CV.


Hi Bimal!

Please post your advert in the jobs section of Nepal classifieds.


Hi there,

I am coming to Nepal from Canada for 10 months and will be volunteering and living in Lalitpur. I am interested in working teaching English part-time around the area. How realistic is that?
I don't have teaching experience but I do have a degree from Canada, and I've heard in many places that is sufficient.

Any help on how to find an opportunity would be great!

Thanks a lot!

i cud help

I've been volunteering in a school in Kathmandu for 4 months. It is fairly easy to get a job here in a school here. English being taught by a native English speaker is in high demand. The chairman at my school even told me "White face very important in Nepal". So if you hand your resumes around, you will definitely find work. However, the standards in schools are low. Don't be shocked if you see students being beat with sticks. The wages are also tiny. I highly doubt that you would find somewhere willing to pay you more than $200 a month, even as a foreigner.

If you trawl around the language institutes in Kathmandu you are pretty certain to find something.  Since the British Council have close the English Language classes, good native language teaching is in high demand.

However, whilst the institutes pay more than the schools, it is not a huge wage, but if you are willing to live economically then you will get by comfortably.


Hi guys, thanks for the help.
Well, I'm coming to volunteer with a fair trade organization on a full time basis so not sure if it would even be possible to get part time work. But I will definitely check around once I'm there.
I'll be getting a stipend anyway that should be enough to cover my expenses there, but teaching English on a part time basis would be cool to get a feel for it (I thought about doing it in Korea but haven't yet).

Interesting topic. Im headed out to Nepal in July next year, although Im not looking for work jsut yet I would always be interested to know more about teaching English. I taught in China and Thailand. Are there any volunteer programmes out there?

There are plenty of volunteer placements, I am good friends with a volunteer placement agent in Kathmandu who I have known for 3 years now, if you like I can give you his details.

Yes that would eb great, although Im not aiming for KTM, can you pm me the details?

Hey! I am also looking for work. I have a CELTA and I'm working on a four year degree (towards the end). Is there any chance? I know people there because I studied at the university. But so far I havn't found anything that qualifies as a job. Thanks.

HI There,

I will be moving to Nepal in the Autumn, and i'm looking for a teaching post for upto 12 months. I'd prefer to be in Kathmandu or Pokhara (as i'm familiar with those places). I was wondering if anyone had any contact or could help me to get a paid job in Nepal.



Try this website: merojob.com/ You can also try the INGOs and embassies. You can also read my blog post from a few months ago. There are suggestions on traveling and working at:


I have a good friend who has taught english in several countries including Thailand, N.Korea and Japan.. He was being paid pretty good, he has also thought of teaching in Nepal,however, please do not expect to be paid well. Nepal is the 3rd poorest country in the world, with extreme poverty. The annual average income is less than 300$. You will be teaching for either mere rupees or for free..

I have lived in Nepal off an on for about 15 years, my wife is Nepali, I have seen first hand what teachers are paid here, it's nothing to write home about, but the experience would be tremendous.

Thank you for your comment. I am aware of how poor Nepal as a country is. I would like to teach and earn some money for my service as I believe in energy exchange.


My girlfriend and I are looking to teach English in Nepal or India, but with preference to Nepal. I realize there have been responses on this board, but many are from years past, so if anyone has any connections or could point us in the direction of paid work, that would be very helpful. I understand that the pay would be low, but we would require some compensation.



Hello Nick and welcome to Expat.com :)

Kindly note that you are participating on a thread that is inactive for over a year!

Expat.com Team

Hello everyone > My name's Jose Maria,original from Brazil > I'm looking to teach English / Spanish in Asia [ mainly Nepal ] Understand how the  Nepal overall situation is,my interest is to exchange my teaching experience and to have a fare way of living in exchange,since am a professor,not into make a fortune right ?
I've lived in Brazil,Mexico,Europe and finally in USA were i worked & taught English / Spanish for several years.
I'll appreciate if somebody has any info on how to make contact with some schools or companies >
Thanks for your time and help,peace

Jose Maria

I am looking to move to Nepal in 2017 for a year. I am interested in a paid teaching position in Kathmandu or elsewhere. I am university qualified and i have 5 years experience teaching in Sydney high schools. Can anybody recommend anywhere? Give me contact details etc?

Wondering if any Nepali can post the amount an English teacher is likely to get. I thought it was only about $200 a month, but I'm not sure. I think it's difficult to get a work visa for teaching English.

I've recently founded an NGO and we need English speaking grant proposal writers. It seems to me that this is a much better way to earn one's way around the world.

Although I think a person could get this same offer just about anywhere, I'd be happy to host someone who could write grant proposals. So, they would have a nice, private room with private bath and just pay for food ($5 a day) and then after the funding they could get a percentage of it for their time. I don't think this could be illegal since the work would be just writing on one's own computer. Star View on AirBnB: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/2533847

I think the problem with working in Nepal is in that volunteers do jobs like laundry and cooking, which should be done by local people. We now have a second generation of English speakers in Nepal and most of them need a job. It's important that we do not disrupt society or take a job from a native person.

Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : Promotion of services not allowed + share contact infos only in private

What do you mean about white face??

Hi I  experience as a Teacher of the Deaf in America. Can anyone point me in the direction of a paying job in Nepal with my experience?

That is a very specific field of knowledge. I doubt many people will be able to answer that. I think your best chance would be to get in contact with Nepalese deaf and hard-of-hearing organizations.
Look for some contact information at the bottom of this page:
https://sites.google.com/site/crowdsour … ring-nepal
I can only hope the links are current, Good luck..!

let me know your email if you arrested looking for work in nepal



Dear philolinguist/ellegrace /Sarah Broadfoot/orch1d /

I can help you u can contact me .... ***

Moderated by Priscilla 4 years ago
Reason : do not post your personal contact details on the forum