Looking for a business partner

Hello everything. Hope all is well. Am looking for a business partner from China, Turkey or around the world. I do deal in ladies clothes and have a boutique and have a trading license.. Ask me all you need to know.

hi Munirah,
   what kind of partner you are looking for,
   I travel a lot to shanghai china, do you use wechat? please drop me a message if necessary.

  Rike Yao

Hello how are you. Thank you for your  reply and my wechat ID is ***

Moderated by Bhavna 4 years ago
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For security reasons please do not post contact details here on the open forum, especially females. Use the message system to exchange details.

OK thanks

Hi, I have worked for more than 30 years in fashion clothes and accessories. I have produced and distributed many Italian, French , English and US brands. Now my sons have taken in their hands this business and I should like to transfer in Africa  to live there my future . If your project is interesting and I can give you my experience  I ‘ be very happy to talk to you . I love Uganda. I visited Entebbe and Masaka area two years ago before pandemic and now I'd be ready to leave Italy to live in the pearl of Africa .... my telegram contact is: ***
Sorry for the disturb and waiting for your answer. Antonio

Moderated by Diksha 2 years ago
Reason : Please do not post contact details on the forum for security reasons.
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