Retiree immigration to Canada Advice

Hello, my wife and I have been retired a few years, have great pensions and savings, can afford our healthcare, and are considering establishing residency in Victoria, Canada.  Not being world class artists or athletes, and not having millions of dollars to invest, what are the possibilities to immigrate? 

We are both in great health, hike and bike a lot.  We plan to buy a home.  My wife has her own small income business as a dog groomer.  I do a good deal of oil paintings and photography, so I suppose we are both artist, she with a business, but not producing enough income to qualify.

We were both software developers, but do not plan to work in that field again.  Possibly someone has ideas as to how we might establish residency and or recommend good source material (I have done much research) or a knowledgeable person I might consult.  I know there are attorneys who specialize in this field.  A recommendation is always nice.

Thanks much,
Lyn Myers
Colorado Springs

Moderated by Loïc 4 years ago
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Hi Lyn,

I just moved to Victoria from California. You'll love it!

I already had dual citizenship and, therefore, didn't need an attorney. But several were recommended to me nonetheless.


Good luck!


Moderated by Loïc 4 years ago
Reason : for security reasons, we do not accept personal information on the forum. Share them through the private message system
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello Johnathan,  It looks like the list of immigration attorneys was edited out?  I joined your Meetup group.  Maybe you could send it via Meetup?

Thanks much, stay healthy,
Lyn Myers

Wow Johnathan, now I can't find the Meetup group.  I signed up hoping to get an invitation to participate.  Can you give me its name on this forum?


Scratch that, I found your group.  I'm not that familiar with Meetup, but can manage to stumble around it and will get better!
