New hu citizen questions

Hey i just got my hu passport in usa .

what i need to do to get free healthcare ?

Do i need to pay any fee (walfare , healthcare insurance) if i live or not in Hungary or any eu countries?

Basically what's my rights and duties

Thanks for contributing

This site has all the details: … _ellatasra

I cannot read , do you know about ?

Use Google translate or print it out and have it translated.

stumpy wrote:

Use Google translate or print it out and have it translated.

He has obtained citizenship, so he speaks the language.  :cheers:

You don't know anything ,too? :(

I know Google can replace you both existence here in the forum , when don't know better skip answering.

981years wrote:

You don't know anything ,too? :(

I know Google can replace you both existence here in the forum , when don't know better skip answering.

Maybe if you were more precise in your questions then members can help you more?  Also, there is no need to be rude or you will find that no one will help you.

Hey buddy , this forum deserted for a reason   , so many keyboard trolls dwelling here.

Rude ? Precise ?

3 non helping answers.

Thumb rule , if you don't know the answer please don't reply,

981years wrote:

Hey i just got my hu passport in usa .

Your expat path says you are currently living in Hungary. So are you living in Hungary or the USA?

If you are living in Hungary, the best option is simply to go to your local government tax office (they now manage also health care payments) and inquire. They may then send you to another office if necessary that deals with health care specifically. The rules change here frequently so best to go into an office directly and ask there. If you do not speak Hungarian, there is often someone in the office who can help you in English or you can hire an interpeter.

981years wrote:

what i need to do to get free healthcare ? Do i need to pay any fee (walfare , healthcare insurance) if i live or not in Hungary or any eu countries?

There is no free healthcare in Hungary. If you work here you have to pay part of your salary to support the health care system. If you do not work, you pay a very modest payment each month.

Having health care in Hungary does not necessarily give you health care in another EU country if you live in another EU country. You have to follow whatever rules for payment in whatever EU country you live in.

Hope this helps.

981years wrote:

3 non helping answers.

Atomheart gave you a very good answer. Everything is there. We are here to help generically, but health care coverage can be complex. Especially for someone who maybe has not worked in Hungary and has not contributed to the health care system. The rules may be different for you.

Also, it is not advisable to trust a forum comment for full accuracy that you need. So you either need to read the law, or ask at a local Hungarian office. You can also ask for help (if in the USA) at your nearest Hungarian consulate or Embassy.

klsallee wrote:

If you do not speak Hungarian

Then his citizenship has been obtained fraudulently and might be revoked.  :top:

atomheart wrote:
klsallee wrote:

If you do not speak Hungarian

Then his citizenship has been obtained fraudulently and might be revoked.  :top:

Possibly Hungarian is his language because English isn't.

"Then his citizenship has been obtained fraudulently and might be revoked."

It's really wrong to make that sort of accusation here. We don't how the OP obtained citizenship. Perhaps by verification, not naturalization. No language ability required then.

zif wrote:

It's really wrong to make that sort of accusation here.

Agree. Let's try to stay on topic. All personal opinions can be moved to Absolutely Everything Else. :)

I am not sure of the current rules but our son obtained Hungarian citizenship through his father over 25 years ago. We did the paperwork through the Hungarian embassy in S. Ca.
Our son doesn't speak fluent Hungarian but got citizenship through being the son of a citizen.
I have no idea if there are different regulations  depending on if a parent is a citizen or grandparent, not sure how deep they dig to get papers.
With TAJ, the HU health card, you must live in Hungary for a min. of a year and pay into the system before being allowed to use the service unless it is an emergency.
My husband was born in Hungary paid for 9 years into the system and then left the country as a young man.
When we returned to HU to live he had to pay up for a back payement of a year before using the TAJ card. the second year of living in Hungary he didn't have to pay as they considered the up front fees to cover the second year. 3rd year in Hungary he pays out of pocket monthly for coverage even as a senior citizen because he did not retire in Hungary.
He receives his income from retirement from the USA.
Every case is slightly different but there is no free coverage, someone pays for it, your job the gov. if you are elderly or you.
It isn't very expensive at all, in fact we often tip more then the monthly rate on doctor's visits. Think it is something like approx. $35. a month for coverage. It is OK, better then nothing sometimes they overdo it with tests and sometimes they seem to pass you by and give you the short end of the stick with care, all depends on who you see and what's wrong with you. Still better then nothing but for a serious life or death issue or an uncommon treatment, I'd find a private doctor.
For HU citizens who live and work in another country, they must be up to date with their monthly TAJ card payments if they want to have coverage. If they allow it to slide, they must pay up again for a year and start from after the year like my husband did.
If you are not up to date with paying TAJ you will not be allowed to take advantage of some of the loans for having children in HU and other gov. programs. If you promise legally on paper to have 2 or more children within 5 years in Hungary they gov. was giving out a 10 million Forint loan to people. Most put it down for a home but other bought cars etc. If you have , think 3 or 4 children you do not have to pay back the loan, very low interest with the 2 children deal.
Thing is in Hungary you can not declare bankruptcy so no kids, you will be paying back the full 10 million one way or the other.You also need to have been employed for at least 3 years to get the loan.

As far as welfare in Hungary goes, think the taxes from the gov. take care of those who need help.
One thing for sure, you never want to find yourself needing that.
They pay something like 48,000 forints per month on welfare, less then $200. a month. You also must work for it if you are able bodied.
All those people doing gardending and trash pick up are welfare people.
A few weeks ago we sat in a small park in the 6th district to chill after going to the market there.
Just people watching.
Noticed about 10 people picking weeds and changing out trash bins.
Then we noticed it was break time, one women had her own trash bin, super clean bin, she removed the empty bag and pulled out her suitcase and other bags.
Seems she must live in a shelter and they don't store your property there. She had to take her things to her job with her.
A few of these women had carry on bags with them while they worked, some had the bags slung over their shoulders.
Here and there in different districts they have food centers, people line up outside and come out with a bag of food. Not sure if it is a daily meal or for a week or more.
Ex-pats can not collect welfare in HU only citizens,if you're too hard up they will deport you before helping you. Have to sign papers you will never ask for aid. In my case think even my husband a citizen would have to get rid of me before collecting anything because he signed he is my "keeper" with immigration. Guess in his 70's he would have to go back to work if the US even totally crashed.Or send me packing...
In the US I knew tons of Hungarian citizens who never bothered to get citizenship in the US or to ever get a real job. They lived on welfare hand outs from the US gov. Not happening here in Hungary, they only help out their own.Small country, I can understand their logic
Just such a contrast to how the US operates.

Another troll, whose the moderator here.

981years wrote:

Another troll, whose the moderator here.

System moderators tend to not monitor every discussion. But they will take appropriate action if you would like to report a post, which you may do so by using the report link on each post. You should include why you think a post is inappropriate.

Hello everyone,

Hope you are doing well.

@ 981years: Our Experts and active members have on-the-ground knowledge about Hungary and the topic at hand and are trying to guide you accordingly.

Please note that the more details you provide, the more accurate and useful would their advice be.

Instead of viewing this as an attempt at trolling, I would request that you take their insight into account, even if you may not act on their advice. :)



You may wish to not alienat people by being so rude but good luck in Hungary, you will fit in just fine after all.

981years wrote:

Another troll, whose the moderator here.

Me a Troll?  Think not but whatever, I'll delete my latest post.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:
981years wrote:

Another troll, whose the moderator here.

Me a Troll?  Think not but whatever, I'll delete my latest post.

We only tried to help and were branded rude and to be trolls.

SimCityAT wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:
981years wrote:

Another troll, whose the moderator here.

Me a Troll?  Think not but whatever, I'll delete my latest post.

We only tried to help and were branded rude and to be trolls.

People are so ungrateful these days...  :(:unsure

atomheart wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Me a Troll?  Think not but whatever, I'll delete my latest post.

We only tried to help and were branded rude and to be trolls.

People are so ungrateful these days...  :(:unsure

Well as they have not been around for 4 months, we will never know if they did find out the info they required. I am not holding my breath with their attitude.

SimCityAT wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:
981years wrote:

Another troll, whose the moderator here.

Me a Troll?  Think not but whatever, I'll delete my latest post.

We only tried to help and were branded rude and to be trolls.

I know, how "trolly" of them!!
I use my real name, not like I am BS ing anyone here!
It's all god, I just dislike being called a lair online, too bad we can't meet them after school... Just saying.

As far as I know, If a citizen as per OP, then voluntary application for TAJ health card via NAV (HU tax admin).  Enrolment costs about HUF 7700 per month.  OP would have to come and live in Hungary as the healthcare coverage doesn't extend to some other country except within the EU and with an EHIC card.

And for completeness, if not a citizen and without a residence permit and not working (self-sufficient or a dependent), then EU freedom of movement requires CSI (Comprehensive Sickness Insurance).   This applies to EU citizens and their non-EU partners.  It's a very strange directive as it seems to treat locals and EU citizens differently.

Where to get the CSI is not known but I suppose the likes of Axa or similar would sell it but it'll be full of caveats on pre-existing chronic conditions.

Quote (my highlighting):

Article 7

Right of residence for more than three months

1.   All Union citizens shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State for a period of longer than three months if they:

(a) are workers or self-employed persons in the host Member State; or

(b) have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State; or

(c)  — are enrolled at a private or public establishment, accredited or financed by the host Member State on the basis of its legislation or administrative practice, for the principal purpose of following a course of study, including vocational training; and

— [i]have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State and assure the relevant national authority, by means of a declaration or by such equivalent means as they may choose, that they have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence
; or

(d) are family members accompanying or joining a Union citizen who satisfies the conditions referred to in points (a), (b) or (c).

2.   The right of residence provided for in paragraph 1 shall extend to family members who are not nationals of a Member State, accompanying or joining the Union citizen in the host Member State, provided that such Union citizen satisfies the conditions referred to in paragraph 1(a), (b) or (c).

3.   For the purposes of paragraph 1(a), a Union citizen who is no longer a worker or self-employed person shall retain the status of worker or self-employed person in the following circumstances:

(a) he/she is temporarily unable to work as the result of an illness or accident;

(b) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after having been employed for more than one year and has registered as a job-seeker with the relevant employment office;

(c) he/she is in duly recorded involuntary unemployment after completing a fixed-term employment contract of less than a year or after having become involuntarily unemployed during the first twelve months and has registered as a job-seeker with the relevant employment office. In this case, the status of worker shall be retained for no less than six months;

(d) he/she embarks on vocational training. Unless he/she is involuntarily unemployed, the retention of the status of worker shall require the training to be related to the previous employment.

4.   By way of derogation from paragraphs 1(d) and 2 above, only the spouse, the registered partner provided for in Article 2(2)(b) and dependent children shall have the right of residence as family members of a Union citizen meeting the conditions under 1(c) above. Article 3(2) shall apply to his/her dependent direct relatives in the ascending lines and those of his/her spouse or registered partner.[/i]

I have "tough skin" after all I was a Vegas games dealer for 5 years, people were rude at times but one look and they either went away or shut it... or the cards suddenly got a mind of their own...
Just saying people can be rude when they can hide and not look you in the eye.
You don't always have to speak Hungarian to get HU citizenship as in my son's case. He got it through his HU father.
When a parent or grandparent is Hungarian it isn't too hard to get HU citizenship.