Tourist Visa / Travel to South Korea

Hi All, hope you are doing well and staying safe.  Was wondering if anyone had any first hand knowledge or experience on tourist travel to S. Korea in the current C-19 environment?  Believe me when I say I have read every online website about traveling abroad (smile), but I believe I have.  And while they are very informative, they seem to have contradictory statements that when you read the next site says something a little different about a certain country. 

But I am from the US, yes we have high numbers, which limits our mobility.  But thinking of coming to S. Korea in November on a 90 day visa.  So here are the few questions for those who have recently traveled or directly know someone that's has to S. Korea.

1) Is that even available, have heard that it is on one site, and No on another site.

2) Understand there will be a quarantine, have the money and the time.  Just concerned about the conditions of the quarantine and does that mean you stay in a room for 24/14 or can you at least walk out in the fresh air from time to time at the quarantine facility.

Thank you in advance for your insight...Bobby

Hey Bobby I came here to Korea 3 months ago and my experience was you're in hotel 24-7 no you can't leave, you are tested on arrival and again before you leave. I came here because is safer than the US  numbers here are low and I want get back to Vietnam soon so now I am in the "Asian travel bubble".. I think everything is still the same except yes the price is now around 2,000 for the quarantine.  Meals were good but if you're picky eater pack one suitcase with snacks!! Lol

Thank you Scon, much appreciate the quick response and the sense of humor about the food.  If I may ask, were you at least at a hotel?  And what happened after you 2 weeks in Quarantine, were you able to go into public and did just go to a regular hotel? 

Oh, and did you go to S. Korea on the 90 day tourist Visa?  Promise, that will be the last questions, but it's just so crazy because there is no information as to what to plan after quarantine.  But we have the same goal, trying to fit into the Asian  Thanks again, Bobby

Sorry, just noticed you said it was at a hotel.  My bad.

Hey no problem at all glad I can be of some help. Arrival at quarantine you have to download an app for your phone  This is for your daily temperature check to enter. After the 14 days corentin you are tested once more then released on the 15th day and are free to go wherever you want so you want to while in quarantine go on agoda or booking and reserve a hotel or guesthouse. Create a is not cheap by any means it's pretty much the same price as the United States.  If you want Western food it will cost a little more money.

When I came I did not need a Covid test  Prior to flying but I think you do now. You will fill out health declaration forms and agree to pay the quarantine fees.  Once you arrive in Korea you are escorted from the plane to the processing area to the bus and taken to whatever hotel that bus is going to so your cost could be less or it could be more but shouldn't be much more than $2000 for your 14 day quarantine.  Then it's pretty much prison.  Your meals are delivered 3 times A-day and alarm goes off to let you know you can open your door and pick up your meal if you attempt to open your door at any other time they will come get you so basically you are stuck in a Room some not that big just able to watch TV and take a shower and sleep if you have a game system or something to do I highly suggest it when you get here you can use a variety of online shopping to order a SIM card for your phone or anything else you may need. Some hotels allowed you to order food mine I ordered coffee sugar and cream are delivered next day but it all depends on the hotel.

I came here on the 90 day Visa exempt policy I just extended they gave me 2 additional months they say there is 90 days policy but some people have been here 6 months even some 2 years so I don't really think they care.

Sorry for some of the mistakes  Speech to text sometimes doesn't work lol in that 1st paragraph it meant to say Korea is not cheap by any means. I personally have been staying in guest houses single private rooms because it's only $10 a night sometimes $8 but to have your own Room with your own shower you're going to pay at least $30 a night or More. If you don't care about staying in rooms with other people you can easily pay $3 to $5 a night and in most guest houses you can work 2 hours A-day for your free Room.

Thanks again Scon for the great details and information, extremely helpful.  I know the C-19 is a big reason some people are not traveling, but I would say the bulk of people don't travel because they can't find the level of detail you have provided us.  Thanks again, and just need to work out the details on my trip.

Stay safe my friend,


You're welcome! Any other questions feel free to ask!! ....Sean

Hi Sean, you and I spoke, well actually emailed, on Oct. 4th about your experience with the Quarantine process in South Korea.  I am trying to make plans under the 90 day tourist pass and need a little help if you don't mind.  I am just trying to find out what I need upfront to come there under this program before I book my flight and head to quarantine (lol).

My concern is something might have changed in the last two weeks, and I book a flight I cannot take.  I have gone out to both the Korean and US Embassy website and cannot find like a list or something that tells me what I need to board a plane.  Like do I need a recent COVID 19 test, etc.

So do you remember what site you found the related travel and entry info?

Thanks in advance and hope all is well.


Hey Bobby no problem at all I'm a little busy trying to get my documents together to get on a flight on the 31st for Vietnam but I suggest joining all of the Facebook groups especially ex pats in Korea because there are daily posts of people that just arrived. I think you do need a Covid test  Before US departure and I believe the rates have went up to 2.1 million but I cannot assure that . Later today I will look and see if I can find any information for you

No problem if you can't, I plan to call the SK Embassy in Washington tomorrow.  I am sure they can help me.

But one big question, did you only buy a one way ticket when you went to S. Korea and if so, did they say anything about it?  Like you I plan to go on to other countries after S. Korea and do not want to buy a return flight now?

Congrats on getting into Vietnam.

Safe travels.

Anyone who wants to travel to SK, may you find this South Korea Travel Advisory helpful … isory.html

Also, if you want to know the tourism update in SK before going there, you may read this article too [link moderated]

Hope this helps!