Immigration to Ukraine as a foreign remote worker

Hello Guys,

Sorry if this topic already exists but I couldn't find it.

I'm a Lebanese citizen working remotely with a Lebanese company and I'm planning to obtain Type D visa in Ukraine and live there.

Is it possible for me to relocate to Ukraine and get the temporary residency while I'm still working remotely with the same Lebanese company?

Thanks in advance,

Welcome to the forum.

Whilst waiting for others to reply try for visa information.

Hi there
with a view to your question.
If you can donate 100,000 usd to Ukraine government=yes
if your married to a Ukrainian=yes
if farther or mother is Ukrainian=yes
if you are going to open a business yourself=yes
if your going to work for a charity=yes
if you have a Ukrainian company offering you work via a letter=yes
if you dont fall into one of the above, you may struggle. You say you will remotely work. You will still need a work visa and pay Ukrainian taxes, on all your earnings.

hope this helps
there are acceptations to all the rules and i dont know them all.

Yes it is possible if your Lebanese company sends you to Ukraine in a business trip to some Ukrainian company.

Good point GreyKyiv , forgot that one.

Thank you for your replies

Just to explain more about my case: I'm a software engineer and I work remotely from home. Currently I'm living in Lebanon and I'm working with a Lebanese company. I'm willing to immigrate to Ukraine while I still work remotely with the same Lebanese company.

Is it possible to just apply for immigration to Ukraine with a financial proof? Or maybe work visa?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there

You have an usual situation. You see you need a reason to be in the Ukraine. If you are going to give $100,000 usd to the Ukrainian government as an investor, then you can ask for a visa and leave to stay.
But just having your own job and moving to Ukraine is not a good reason for you being here.
For myself i am a fully qualified electrical and mechanical engineer, I am also a computer design engineer, but none of this matters. My reason is i married a Ukrainian woman.
In short unless you have money to invest in the Ukrainian government, married to a Ukrainian, willing to do charity work for a recognised  Ukrainian charity, work for the Church, or Study at University, You stand little to no chance. To stay more than 90, you need to apply for a visa D ( … lance.html  )
Know there is one little bit of light at the end of this tunnel, i see that you may be able to apply for a five your multiple entry visa, this would mean that you could stay in the Ukraine for up to 90 days then leave for 90 days and then come back for 90 days . you could do this for 5 years. But to stay over the 90 days, you would need to pay for a visa D (same cost by the looks of it) but with a visa D, on arriving to the Ukraine you will need to ,
1. Register at an address.
2. Apply for a Temporary residency card. (last for one year)
3.Apply for a Ukrainian Tax code.(this is because you are earning money in the Ukraine even though not a Ukrainian company.)
if you look at the link above you will see a phone number in your own country and can ask them direct.

good luke
