Work life in Maldives resort

hello everyone ..
its my first time that i might be  traveling and working in another country .. i have lots of query about working as hotelier in Maldives resort .. hope this will help me and other countless people also so lets begin..
a) how do i know that i will be getting service charge as promised by my employer

b ) i have heard from one person whom i met on LinkedIn  who was working with my future employer for short period of time due to covid and am not sure he was right or wrong but my concerns are

(1  they will not provide wifi in your accommodation ) 
(2 you have to share room with 3 people and that also very small in size)
( 3 you are not allowed to go other than accomodation cant go to the beach )

so i was thinking is it right to go for kind of job .. i havent got my offer letter yet but i cant wait to clear my doubts ... but if its true than its not like am working it will be more like i am in prission . i know i will be going to work there but whats the point if i got off i cant even talk to my family in accommodation .. cant go out in beach and enjoy and cant do other stuff .. because i have seen some resort gives good facilities to there employees like ( they have employee beach where they can go and have fun / they have play area kind of small football ground and other stuff )  but am not sure that what kind of place i am going and dont know how to find facilities they  provide .. can anyone help me here please ..  i don't want to go and stuck in such place

well, it depends as it quite depends on your employer. you can ask for pictures of your accommodation and also all the details you want to.

You leave on a small island and there is not a lot of space.
Depends on your Position you have single accommodation or you have to share the room with others.
Line staff normally not allowed to join Guest Areas.
Some Islands are having Beach and some space for the staff, but remember on the islands are not a lot of space, in this case this is limited.

You stuck on an island and if you have good relation with others it is o.k., otherwise it can be challenging.

I was working 2 years on the Maldives and the Company paid every 3 months a flight to Thailand or Sri Lanka. I was working 7 days a week and took my days off every 3 months and spend 3 weeks in Thailand.

Actually there is not a lot to do on the island. When I started I thought I will not stay longer as max. 3 months, but after knowing the people it was O.K. and I liked it.
However you need some self discipline.

But you are there for work and not for fun. Maldives are a strong religious country and follows the Islamic law.