Retire in TZ and permit/VISA questions


My husband and I are thinking to retire in TZ - we have not decided on the specific area yet, but my questions (for this post) apply in general.
I am currently researching online the VISA process and also residence permit application (we would fall under the Class C permit which includes retirees).  The process for the residence permit looks a little daunting at the moment.  Would you suggest we enter first with a multiple entry visa and leave every 90 days or so while working on the residence permit while actually in TZ? I know much of this has to be done online now, but I'm thinking it may be helpful if we are actually there and able to go into a government office if there are questions that would be more easily answered in person.  Has anyone else proceeded this way and found that it is beneficial, or have you done everything online and gotten approval?
I know I am going to have many more questions!  Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide.

From what I've read, it's not advised to enter the country without your visa sorted. In terms of citizenship, there are certain countries that enable you to get a full stay and others (mostly European countries) where citizenship is not permitted. I don't have the link to hand but it shouldn't be too difficult to find online. Note: If your country is not listed on the 'green list', you may be able to apply for a passport via your parents country of heritage. Good luck.

Hello there

I also In retiring in Tanzania. I'm going to the website you'll find that when you try to register for a class C permit for retirement they'll tell you that you have to have a permit previously like a work permit so I suggest you get a work permit before you get the class see retirement permit that's what I am doing good luck

Thank you for your response and information.  I'm thinking that we will initially visit on a multi-entry visa so we can stay for several months and perhaps work on the residence permit while there.  Are you living in Arusha now or planning to get there soon?

Thank you for your information and thoughts on this.

Am at Dar es salaam, is where am living for more information, you can contact me through this number ***

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Yeah i alll the above comments are interesting,it will be better to came for a visiti then you will have visa for 90days am suggestin to deal a working permit while here on 90days again it will be easier to everythin you neded later

Yes Cynthia I live in Arusha since 2020 and I am working on getting a work permit.  I originally applied for a retired Class C permit but was refused because I did not have a previously granted permit (any permit).

I am in Washington state until March 15th.  My home is in Arusha TZ since 2020.

Cynthia Adams wrote:


My husband and I are thinking to retire in TZ - we have not decided on the specific area yet, but my questions (for this post) apply in general.
I am currently researching online the VISA process and also residence permit application (we would fall under the Class C permit which includes retirees).  The process for the residence permit looks a little daunting at the moment.  Would you suggest we enter first with a multiple entry visa and leave every 90 days or so while working on the residence permit while actually in TZ? I know much of this has to be done online now, but I'm thinking it may be helpful if we are actually there and able to go into a government office if there are questions that would be more easily answered in person.  Has anyone else proceeded this way and found that it is beneficial, or have you done everything online and gotten approval?
I know I am going to have many more questions!  Thank you in advance for any insight you can provide.


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Information can be found in The Tanzania Guide found under "Discover" at the top of this page.

Hello,sorry for let reply,am expart on those Areas Visa and resident permit.

You can check me through this whtsap number

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