Dating Coach Advice For Men Seeking Women in Colombia

Asian-American dating coach Saiyan Chan moved from the USA to Colombia because he likes his chances better in La República when meeting women for dating and romance.

Chan advises North American men to do as he does -- cold approaching women, in fact, approaching new women by opening with "Do you speak English?"

He elaborates on his strategy and attitudes on meeting Colombian women in the following video...

Search at saiyan chan three more reasons cold approach Colombian women

Chan says many Colombian women prefer North American men (over Colombianos) because they do not come from a "macho culture" in which "baby daddies" are prone to abandon their offspring without legal consequences.


I did a search on YouTube for Sayan Chan's video and couldn't find it.

Could be my error:  I inadvertently omitted the letter 'i' from Chan's first name by not noticing that SpellCheck had removed the letter.

Using my "expert powers," I have now gone back and corrected the spelling.

His YouTube "site" is titled Cogitate and Analyze With Saiyan Chan and is primarily devoted to advice for men on dating women, especially in Colombia.


Here are two of the 12 tips on taking a Colombian woman on a first date, as posted by a Colombiana who lives in Bogotá named Mónica Corredor...

9.  "Don't turn the date into an interview."

A monosyllabic man is unattractive to a Colombiana.  After responding to her questions with a series of one word answers such as Sí, No, Nada .. or an awkward silence .. your date will probably want to run away.

Engage her with stories, listen to her.  Find a way to prompt her to talk about her life.

10.  "Pay the bill."

Paying the bill shows your interest in her and lets her know you have enjoyed her company.

If your date offers to pay part of the bill, refuse the offer -- which is what she will expect.

  -- From Mónica's article titled How to Impress a Colombian Woman
      on a First Date, at


How to impress a Colombian woman on a first date

Opening words in Colombia are a natural......  "Hello. Would you like to have a coffee (tinto) with me?"
How could there be anything else?


Having been through the trauma and utter hopelessness of trying to even APPROACH women (the ones we find attractive) in the USA, the idea that we Normal Respectful Gentlemen can get a date simply by approaching a single woman and being a Decent, Stand-Up Man, blows my mind.

Here's the thing... I KNOW it works! Why? Because I just spent 2 weeks in Cartagena and had the best time of my life  :D

I'd gotten so used to instant rejection from Square One, in the USA... that finding some success while being my Authentic Self, was almost unbelievable.

My spirits are uplifted. Now I am planning to relocate to Colombia next year.

I just gotta complete my TEFL certification, and line up some jobs (both my regular Computer work as well as Teaching jobs).

Good luck to everyone on this site!