John Quigley Home Surveys
Real estate developmentRPSA member offering Homebuyer, Building Surveys, Snagging Reports & Valuations across NI & Donegal, including Londonderry, Coleraine, Belfast, Lisburn, Dungannon, and Omagh. Holding two RICS-accredited degrees.
As an independent surveyor and member of the Residential Property Surveyors Association (RPSA), I offer professional property surveying services across Northern Ireland, including Londonderry, Coleraine, Belfast, Lisburn, Dungannon, and Omagh. My services include:
• Homebuyer Surveys
• Building Surveys
• Home Condition Surveys
• New-Build Snagging Reports
• Property Valuations
Each report includes thorough preliminary research and a comprehensive property condition assessment to support informed decisions for buyers and sellers. I hold two RICS-accredited degrees: a Master’s in Commercial Building Surveying and an Honours in Property Investment and Development.